[b][Updated July 21 at 2:44 AM PT][/b] The maintenance has been completed and we have extended Cash Shop items for 3 hours. Please restart your Nexon Launcher or Steam to make sure that you get the latest client. ----- We will be performing an unscheduled minor patch on[b] [b]Thursday, July 21st, 2022[/b][b] at 12:30 AM PDT (3:30 AM EDT / 9:30 AM CEST / 5:30 PM AEST)[/b][b].[/b][/b] We anticipate the maintenance to last approximately 3 hours, concluding around [b]3:[/b][b]3[/b][b]0 AM [/b][b]PDT (6:30 AM EDT / 12:30 PM CEST / 8:30 PM AEST)[/b]. Thanks for your patience! [b]Times:[/b] [b]Thursday, July 21st, 2022 [b]PDT (UTC -7): 12:30 AM - 3:30 AM EDT (UTC -4): 3:30 AM - 6:30 AM CEST (UTC +2): 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM AEST (UTC +10): 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM [/b] [/b] [list][*]What will be unavailable:[/*][list][*]All MapleStory game servers.[/*][/list][*]Changes and Updates (Additional Changes TBA):[list][*]Server Upkeep.[/*][*]MapleStory will be updated to v.234.2.0.[/*][*]Fixed the issue where opening the Character Info UI in Reboot world after completing the '[Home] A Place of Your Own' quest will crash the game client.[/*][*]Fixed the issue where opening the Character Info UI of another player who completed the '[Home] A Place of Your Own' quest in Reboot world will crash the game client.[/*][*]Fixed the issue where monsters dropped items that could not be picked up when defeated.[list][*][strike]Stellar Detectives and Home Expansion quests will be temporarily disabled to address this issue, and they will be re-enabled in a future maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience.[/strike][/*][/list][/*][*][b][Updated July 21][/b] Fixed the issue where the option to "Add to Blacklist" is cut off when right clicking a character name in chat. [/*][*][b][Updated July 21][/b] Fixed the issue where "Unknown Error (36)" message appears when attempting to invite someone over to Home when visitor preferences is set to 'Don't allow any visits'. [/*][*][b][Updated July 21][/b] Fixed the issue where clicking the "+" button in Home Furnishing Storage directs to the incorrect Cash Shop location. [/*][*][b][Updated July 21] [/b]Fixed the issue where attacking as the Pulverizer on "Black Heaven Ship Deck 8" during Black Heaven Act 4 may disconnect the game client.[/*][/list][/*][/list]