[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/3952675/3d6fbc919c59275b31205c18688324143ef753db.jpg[/img] Adventure awaits, dear Maplers! Our new [b]Pathfinder[/b] class is almost here, so follow us to [b]Adventure Island[/b], where there’s a journey around every corner. Battle against monsters to prove yourself as a Maple World legend; use your code-breaking skills to earn prizes; win coins by wailing on test dummies in the training grounds; and join in other fun island events! We’re also making a number of job balance adjustments, increasing Star Force Enhancement success rates, and hosting a [b]Tera Burning Project[/b] event where you can level up a new character quickly. If that wasn’t enough, you can also explore our brand new theme dungeon: [b]the Secret Forest of Elodin[/b]! A new quest is on the horizon - join us with [b]Pathfinder[/b]! Learn more [url=http://maplestory.nexon.net/news/49573/v-205-pathfinder-update-previeww]here[/url]! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvVE_P1E2bQ