Hi Maplers, We are writing to extend our sincerest apologies for the recent inconvenience caused by the downtime that occurred on July 20, 2023. For approximately 15 minutes, all NA Reboot world channels were inaccessible. On investigation, we found that some players' gameplay records had not been saved due to this server instability. We understand how frustrating and disappointing it can be to experience disruptions in your gameplay, and we take full responsibility for the inconvenience you have endured. In recognition of these issues, we will be providing all players who have a login record in NA Reboot world anytime between the v.243 game update on [b]July 19th at 12:00 PM UTC[/b], and the time of instability on [b]July 21st at 1:48 AM UTC[/b], the following compensation (once per account): [list][*][b]Compensation Box[/b][b]:[/b] Untradable, 7-day duration. [list][*][b]2x EXP Coupon (15 min) (x20): [/b]Untradable, 7-day duration.[/*][*][b]Special Medal of Honor (x5): [/b]Untradable, 7-day duration.[/*][*][b]Symbol Selector Coupon: [/b]Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.[b] [/b][/*][*][b]Trait Boost Potion: [/b]Untradable, 7-day duration.[b] [/b][/*][*][b]Extreme Growth Potion: [/b]Untradable, 7-day duration.[b] [/b][/*][/list][/*][*][b]Growth Potion Selector Coupon: [/b]Untradable, 7-day duration.[b] [/b][/*][*][b]Nodestones (x25): [/b]Untradeable, 7-day duration.[/*][/list] These items will be delivered during the [url=https://maplestory.nexon.net/news/85026/updated-scheduled-minor-patch-july-27-2023]Scheduled Minor Patch on July 27, 2023[/url]. Please be sure to claim the items from the in-game Gift Drop menu by [b]August 9th, 2023 at 11:59 PM UTC[/b]. We are aware that the in-game item description for the [b]Compensation Box[/b] is incorrect, please refer to the list on this post for the correct items. Separate to the compensation above, if you have experienced a loss in progression or items, please contact our Player Support [url=https://support-maplestory.nexon.net/hc/en-us/requests/new?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiakqKNtK-AAxWFiO4BHdYGBqMQFnoECBAQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fsupport-maplestory.nexon.net%2Fhc%2Fen-us%2Frequests%2Fnew&usg=AOvVaw1aQTQRwwDIxknqxgh9mWL9&opi=89978449]here[/url], and we request for your patience as we do our best to assist each player as swiftly as possible. Players who have lost their Hyper Burning Lv. 220 rewards, the selection 17-Star AbsoLab Weapon Box or 15-Star Dominator Pendant Box, will have their rewards redistributed in an upcoming maintenance. If you are one of these players, please contact our Player Support team with the subject line "Hyper Burning Lv. 220 rewards", so we can investigate and ensure you are properly compensated. We will do our best to prevent similar issues from occurring in the future, as it is our goal to provide a stable game environment for everyone. We greatly appreciate your patience as we investigated this issue, and thank you for being part of the MapleStory community. - The MapleStory Team