[b][Update Mar 15][/b] The Memory Map Input/Output and Max Memory Usage Limit options were originally planned for release with the v.231 update, however they are still under development and their release has been delayed to a future update. We will update with additional information on when these options will be released as soon as the release schedule is determined. Additionally, we highly recommend that you do a [b]full re-install of the game[/b] to avoid any stability issues when upgrading to the 64-bit Client. Thank you! Attention Maplers, With the v.231 update, currently scheduled for [b]Wednesday, March 16, 2022[/b], MapleStory's game client will be upgraded to 64-bit, enabling improved performance on modern systems and to help us support MapleStory long into the future. As part of this update, [b]MapleStory will no longer be playable on 32-bit (x86) operating systems[/b]. [h3][b]Why Upgrade to a 64-bit Game Client?[/b][/h3] MapleStory on 32-bit was limited in its memory to ~2 GB in usage, depending on the needs of the operating system. With the change to 64-bit, it will allow the MapleStory client to use more memory and improve client performance in various memory-intensive situations. While the 64-bit client will improve some client performance issues, please keep in mind that it will not resolve every issue you may have encountered previously. [h3][b]How Can I Learn What Operating System I Have?[/b][/h3] If you are unsure of what sort of operating system you have running on your PC, you can find out in the "About Your PC" System Setting page: [list][*]Use the Windows key to bring up the Start Menu, and click on the Gear icon to open up the settings.[/*][*]Under "System" menu, select "About" at the bottom of the sidebar.[/*][*]Look under "System type", which will tell you which type of operating system and processor you have.[/*][/list] [img]https://nxcache.nexon.net/cms/2022/q1/1531/about-windows-64-bit-operating-system.png[/img] It should show one of three possible options: [list][*][b]64-bit [/b]operating system, [b]x64-based [/b]processor: No changes required, your computer is already set-up and good to go![/*][*][b]32-bit [/b]operating system, [b]x64-based [/b]processor: Your computer's operating system is still 32-bit, however your system's processor is able to support a 64-bit operating system. In order to play MapleStory after the update, you will need to upgrade your operating system to a 64-bit version.[/*][*][b]32-bit [/b]operating system, [b]x86-based [/b]processor: Unfortunately, your computer is not able to support a 64-bit operating system, and will not be able to run MapleStory after this update.[/*][/list][h3][b]System Requirements[/b][/h3] Additionally, with this update to the MapleStory client, we will be increasing the Minimum and Recommended System Requirements for MapleStory to the below. [table][tr][th]System[/th][th]Minimum Requirements[/th][th]Recommended Requirements[/th][/tr][tr][th]OS[/th][td]Updated Windows 7 (64 bit) with Security Update KB3033929 *[/td][td]Windows 10 (64 bit) and above[/td][/tr][tr][th]CPU[/th][td]Intel Core 2 Duo 3.0Ghz / AMD Athlon 64 x2 3.0Ghz[/td][td]Intel Core i3 4.0 Ghz / AMD Ryzen 3 3.5 Ghz and above[/td][/tr][tr][th]RAM (Memory)[/th][td]4 GB[/td][td]8 GB or more[/td][/tr][tr][th]Storage[/th][td]20 GB or more[/td][td]40 GB or more ^[/td][/tr][tr][th]Graphics Card[/th][td]GeForce 9600 GT / ATI Radeon HD 3870[/td][td]Nvidia GTX 1050 / AMD RX 570 and above[/td][/tr][tr][th]Direct X[/th][td]9.0c[/td][td]9.0c or later[/td][/tr][tr][th]Network[/th][td]Broadband Internet Connection[/td][td]Fibre Internet Connection[/td][/tr][/table] [list][*][i]* While these are the minimum requirements to run MapleStory, you may encounter unforseen scenarios and errors while running on Windows 7.[/i][/*][*][i]^ For a smooth installation, we recommend having at least 40 GB of hard drive space available. [/i][/*][/list][h3][b]Additional Options[/b][/h3] [b][Update Mar 15][/b] These options were originally planned for release with the v.231 update, however they are still under development and their release has been delayed to a future update. We will update with additional information on when these options will be released as soon as the release schedule is determined. Finally, in a future update, two additional options will be made available in-game in a new 64-bit option menu: [list][*][b]Memory Map Input/Output[/b] (Default: Off): When enabled, this will allocate additional memory to MapleStory in order to improve data access speeds, improving overall performance.[/*][*][b]Max Memory Usage Limit[/b] (Default: 50% of system RAM): Restricts how much memory that MapleStory can use. A higher cap will improve performance and loading times. When the cap is reached, the system will attempt to release unused memory, which may cause performance issues.[/*][/list] Thank you, - The MapleStory Team