[b][Update Jun 14][/b] Updated the post to clarify that only Cubes that were used during the expected event period and did not benefit from the Magical Miracle Time bonus will qualify for the refund. Attention Maplers, During the [url=https://maplestory.nexon.net/news/75080/magical-miracle-time-bera-scania-aurora-elysium-luna-and-burning-worlds]Magical Miracle Time periods on Bera, Scania, Aurora, Elysium, Luna, and Burning worlds[/url], some Maplers would remain logged in, not see the "It's Miracle Time!" banner appear on their screen to denote the bonuses were in effect, but begin using their Cubes anyway, believing the bonuses were active. This was in error, and to compensate players for the missing effect on their Cubes, we will be returning 50% of the Cubes that were used without the MMT effect active to players through the Gift Drop feature within the next week. We apologize for the inconvenience, and thank you for your patience. Thank you, - The MapleStory Team