Hi Maplers, We discovered an issue with Monster Life's [b]Ultrafine Monster Box[/b] where the Beryl monster could not be obtained from opening the boxes. We sincerely apologize for the issue and the delay in identifying it. We plan to apply a fix during our [b]June 9 maintenance[/b]. After the maintenance, players will be able to properly obtain the Beryl monster from opening the Ultrafine Monster Box. The following monsters will be available from the Ultrafine Monster Box after the [b]June 9 maintenance[/b]: [list] [*] Iruvata [*] Dodo [*] King Clang [*] Moon Bunny [*] Snow Witch [*] Beryl [*] Dunas [*] Frankenroid [*] Timer [*] Lilynouch [*] Apsu [*] Viking Squad [*] Pink Bean [/list] We plan to provide the following compensation to the players who have been affected by this issue: [list] [*] Players that used the Ultrafine Monster Box [b]between May 1, 2019 and June 9, 2021 (before maintenance)[/b] will receive [b]Monster Life Gems (x8)[/b] per box used. [*] Players that have monsters in the above list registered to the Monster Life Picture Book [b]prior to the time of this announcement (June 7 at 11:30 AM PDT)[/b] will receive [b]Monster Life Gems (x300)[/b] per account. [list][*] We are, unfortunately, unable to recover the data for Ultrafine Monster Box usage prior to May 1, 2019 due to our policy of storing this information for a limited amount of time.[/list] [*][i]Note: Players that meet both criteria will receive both compensation sets.[/i] [/list] The [b]Monster Life Gems[/b] from the compensation will be added directly to the player's Monster Life Gem inventory. Again, we apologize for such an issue with the Ultrafine Monster Box and we will work harder towards providing a better experience in the future. - The MapleStory Team