Hi Maplers, Thank you for your patience. To provide compensation for the eligible players mentioned in our [url=https://maplestory.nexon.net/news/68891/ssb-gender-locked-item-issue-update]SSB Gender-locked Item Issue Update post[/url], we developed a new feature for these players to either obtain Maple Points or the counterpart item for the gender-locked SSB (Surprise Style Box) items that were received. This new feature will be implemented during our [b]October 14 maintenance[/b] and the eligible players can receive the compensation by talking to the Maple Administrator located in the Event Hall and selecting the ‘Talk to a Maple Admin’ option in the dialogue [b]until November 30 at 11:59 PM UTC[/b]. You can go to the Event Hall through the Dimensional Mirror either by entering the Dimensional Mirror portal in town or by clicking the “Quick Move” button below the Mini-map. In addition, the compensation for "All Accounts with Lv. 30 Character" will be distributed via the Gift Drop on the left side of the screen during the compensation duration. The following compensations will be available from [b]October 14 (after maintenance) ~ November 30 at 11:59 PM UTC[/b]: [h3][u][b]Accounts that Purchased SSB Items (Zero and non-Zero characters)[/b][/u][/h3] For accounts that received gender-locked items from opening a purchased SSB item [b]between April 22, 2015 and August 27, 2021 at 11:59 PM PDT[/b], you will be given two selection options. [list][*]We have maintained the related logs from April 22, 2015 onwards and would like to compensate all players for whom we have records.[/*][*]The number of times you can use the selection feature is limited to the amount of gender-locked items you’ve received from opening a purchased SSB item during the period mentioned above. [list][*][b]Note:[/b] Gender-locked items received through Auction House purchases or 1-to-1 player trades will not be eligible for the compensation.[/*][/list][/*][*]The item for which you make a selection and receive the compensation for will disappear from the list of equipment eligible for compensation.[/*][*]The gender-locked items that do not have a corresponding item for the opposite gender will only have the option to receive Maple Points compensation.[/*][*]The gender-locked items do not have to be in the character’s possession for you to receive the compensation.[/*][*][b]Ex:[/b] If you received 10 male-specific items from opening the SSB items between April 22, 2015 and August 27, 2021 at 11:59 PM PDT, you can make the selection between the 2 selection options for each of the item in the compensation list. Once you've made a selection for an item, you won't be able to select a different compensation for that particular item so please make sure the compensation option you are selecting is the one you want for that particular item.[/*][/list] The eligible players will receive the following two selection options when talking to the Maple Administrator: [olist][*]Receive the corresponding untradeable item for the opposite gender for the item you’ve obtained from opening a purchased SSB item. [list][*][b]Note:[/b] This is not an exchange and you will not lose the existing item if you have it in your possession.[/*][/list][/*][*]Receive a Maple Point Exchange Coupon for the item. [list][*]Each Maple Point Exchange Coupon will provide 3,400 Maple Points, the price of one SSB item.[/*][*][b]Note:[/b] This is not an exchange and you will not lose the existing item if you have it in your possession.[/*][/list][/*][/olist] [h3][u][b]All Accounts with Lv. 30 Character[/b][/u][/h3] Players who have an account with a character Lv. 30 and above (including players that meet the above criteria) created [b]prior to August 27, 2021 at 11:59 PM PDT[/b] will receive the following items as a token of our apology for the incorrect information we provided: [list][*]You will be able to choose between the following two outfit sets. Please choose the set according to the gender of the character you would like to use it on. [list][*][b]Moonlight Set (M) [/b][list][*][b]Moonlight Floral Hat[/b][/*][*][b]Moonlight Costume[/b][/*][*][b]Moonlight Marble Shoes[/b][/*][*][b]Fluttering Camellia Flower[/b][/*][/list][/*][*][b]Moonlight Set (F)[/b] [list][*][b]Moonlight Floral Hairpin[/b][/*][*][b]Moonlight Outfit[/b][/*][*][b]Moonlight Marble Shoes[/b][/*][*][b]Fluttering Camellia Flower[/b][/*][/list][/*][/list][/*][*][b]Legendary Bebe Box[/b] [list][*][b]2x EXP Coupon (15 min) (x30)[/b][/*][*][b]2x Drop Coupon (15 min) (x30)[/b][/*][*][b]Special Medal of Honor (x10)[/b][/*][*][b]Arcane Symbol Selector Coupon (x20)[/b][/*][*][b]Trait Boost Potion (x3)[/b][/*][*][b]Selective Slot Coupon (x4)[/b][/*][*][b]Extreme Growth Potion (x3):[/b] Use on a character between Lv. 141 and Lv. 199 to gain up to 10 levels max. The higher your character level, the lower the likelihood of getting more levels. When used on a character with Lv. 200 and above, they will receive the amount of EXP required to level up from Lv. 199. The potion cannot be used on Burning characters.[/*][*][b]Eternal Rebirth Flame (x5)[/b][/*][/list][/*][/list] Again, thank you for your patience in waiting for this feature to be developed. If you are one of the eligible players to receive any of the above compensations, please remember to claim them by talking to Maple Administrator located in the Event Hall and from the Gift Drop between [b]October 14 (after maintenance) and November 30 at 11:59 PM UTC[/b]. Thank you. - The MapleStory Team