We will be performing a scheduled minor patch on[b] Thursday, March 4, 2021 at 6:00 AM PST (9:00 AM EST / 3:00 PM CET / 1:00 AM AEDT Mar 5).[/b] We anticipate the maintenance to last approximately 4 hours, concluding around [b]10:00 AM PST (1:00 PM EST / 7:00 PM CET / 5:00 AM AEDT Mar 5)[/b]. Thanks for your patience! [b]Times:[/b] [b]Thursday, March 4, 2021 PST (UTC -8): 6:00 AM - 10:00 AM EST (UTC -5): 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM CET (UTC +1): 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM AEDT (UTC +11): 1:00 AM (Mar 5) - 5:00 AM (Mar 5)[/b] [list][*]What will be unavailable:[/*][list][*]All MapleStory game servers.[/*][/list][*]Changes and Updates (Additional Changes TBA):[/*][list][*]Server Upkeep.[/*][*]Monthly Windows Updates.[/*][*]MapleStory will be updated to v.220.4.0.[/*][*]Fixed an issue where the client may crash when opening the world map in Monad.[/*][*]Fixed an issue where the client may crash if Jett characters were hit by a one-shot boss attack while using Anti-Gravity Cycle SFF-X Summon skill.[/*][*]The Bonus Stat system logic will be updated and the rates of each stat option will be made to be equal, as mentioned in the [url=https://maplestory.nexon.net/news/65368/bonus-stat-generation-issue]Bonus Stat Generation Issue post[/url].[/*][*]The Inner Ability System logic will be updated, as mentioned [u]in the [/u][url=https://maplestory.nexon.net/news/65368/bonus-stat-generation-issue]Bonus Stat Generation Issue post[/url][u].[/u][/*][*]The '[Gollux] Superior Gollux Pendant Exchange!' quest duration will be extended to [b]April 13, 11:59 PM UTC[/b] for eligible players.[/*][*]A Large Bebe Box compensation will be distributed to NA Reboot players who logged in between [b]February 21, 2:32 AM UTC[/b] and [b]February 22, 2:30 AM UTC[/b], as compensation for the server instability issues.[/*][/list][/list]