A young woman ventures out from her isolated mountain village, supported by the mountain spirits of her home, and journeys into the world to see it all and fulfill her people's prophecy. See her heal the hearts of everyone she encounters and begin her journey in Maple World with [b]Lara Adventure Support[/b] event, and receive special rewards as she embraces all! [u][u][b]Lara Adventure Support Event[/b][/u][/u][list][*][b]PST (UTC -8): Tuesday, November 30, 2021 4:00 PM- Tuesday, February 8, 2022 3:59 PM[/b][/*][*][b]CET (UTC +1): Wednesday, December 1, 2021 1:00 AM - Wednesday, February 9, 2022 12:59 AM[/b][/*][*][b]AEDT (UTC +11): Wednesday, December 1, 2021 11:00 AM - Wednesday, February 9, 2022 10:59 AM[/b][/*][/list] [img]https://nxcache.nexon.net/cms/2021/q4/1676/lara-adventures-event-rewards-maplestory-play-lara.png[/img] [b]Event Details:[/b] [list][*]Level-up your new Lara character and get boosts as you race to Lv. 220![/*][*]Reach Lv. 30 with Lara and receive the following:[list][*][b]Lv. 30 Equipment Box[/b][list][*]Contains Lv. 30 equipment and weapons for the character that opens it[/*][*]Cannot be traded, and must be opened within 15 days[/*][/list][/*][*][b]Selective 8 Slot Coupon (x4)[/b][list][*]Unlocks 8 slots in one of your inventory's tabs (Equip, Use, Set-up or Etc)[/*][*]Cannot be traded, and must be used within 7 days[/*][/list][/*][/list][/*][*]Reach Lv. 100 with Lara and receive the following:[list][*][b]Following Mountains and Rivers Title Coupon[/b][list][*]Grants the following stats for 30 days: Star Force +30, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +10, STR/DEX/INT/LUK +10, and Max HP/MP +500[/*][*]"Following Mountains and Rivers" title itself is Permanent[/*][*]Cannot be traded, and must be used within 15 days[/*][/list][/*][*][b]Legendary Cryptic Chest[/b], which contains:[list][*][b]Mastery Box (x8):[/b] Untradeable. Open to choose from Spell Trace (x500), Mastery Book 20, or Mastery Book 30[/*][*][b]Frozen Hat:[/b] Untradeable. Req. Lv: 100. STR/DEX/INT/LUK +23, MaxHP/MaxMP +270, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +1, Defense +293. Upgrades available: 10[/*][*][b]Frozen Cape:[/b] Untradeable. Req. Lv: 100. STR/DEX/INT/LUK +7, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +7, Defense +180, Speed +9, Jump +5. Upgrades available: 7[/*][*][b]Frozen Suit:[/b] Untradeable. Req. Lv: 100. STR/DEX/INT/LUK +27, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +1, Defense +315. Upgrades available: 10[/*][*][b]Frozen Weapon Box:[/b] Untradeable, 7-day duration. Open to receive: [list][*][b]Frozen Weapon:[/b] Untradeable. Req. Lv: 100. Stats will vary based upon your job[/*][/list][/*][*][b]Frozen Secondary Weapon Box:[/b] Untradeable, 7-day duration. Open to receive: [list][*][b]Frozen Secondary Weapon:[/b] Untradeable. Req. Lv: 100. Stats will vary based upon your job[/*][/list][/*][*]Cannot be traded, and must be used within 15 days[/*][/list][/*][/list][/*][*]Reach Lv. 150 with Lara and receive the following:[list][*][b]Root Abyss Set Box (Time-Restricted)[/b][list][*]Grants a set of [b]12-Star Epic Root Abyss Armor[/b] and [b]12-Star Epic Fafnir Weapons[/b][/*][*]Equipped items have a 90-day duration and cannot be traded[/*][*]Box cannot be traded, and must be used within 15 days[/*][/list][/*][*][b]Trait Boost Potion:[/b] Cannot be traded, must be used within 15 days[/*][*][b]Mitra's 2x EXP Coupon Box[/b][list][*]When used, grants [b]2x EXP Coupon (15 min) x5[/b][/*][*]Coupon Box resets every Monday at 10:00 AM UTC, and can be used again to get a second set of EXP Coupons[/*][*]Coupon Box has a 35-day duration and cannot be traded[/*][*]Coupons have a 7-day duration and cannot be traded[/*][/list][/*][/list][/*][*]Reach Lv. 200 with Lara and receive the following:[list][*][b]Earthseer Title Coupon[/b][list][*]Grants the following stats for 30 days: Arcane Power +30, Weapon ATT/Magic ATT +15, STR/DEX/INT/LUK +15, Boss Damage +10%, Ignore Defense +10%, Max HP/MP +750, +10% Bonus EXP[/*][*]"Earthseer" title itself is Permanent[/*][*]Cannot be traded, and must be used within 15 days[/*][/list][/*][*][b]Floaty Land Spirit Coupon[/b][list][*]Grants a Floaty Land Spirit cash effect that can be turned On and Off[/*][*]Resulting item is Permanent[/*][*]Coupon can be traded within the account and must be used within 15 days.[/*][/list][/*][*][b]Sunlight Spirit Mount Coupon[/b][list][*]Grants a Sunlight Spirit Flying Mount[/*][*]Resulting item is Permanent[/*][*]Coupon can be traded within the account and must be used within 15 days.[/*][/list][/*][*][b]Arcane Symbol Selector x50 Coupon[/b]: Cannot be traded, must be used within 15 days[/*][*][b]Nodestone x20[/b]: Cannot be traded, must be used within 15 days[/*][/list][/*][*]Reach Lv. 205 with Lara and receive the following:[list][*][b]Arcane Symbol Selector x50 Coupon[/b]: Cannot be traded, must be used within 15 days[/*][*][b]Nodestone x10[/b]: Cannot be traded, must be used within 15 days[/*][*][b]Experience Nodestone x1[/b]: Cannot be traded, must be used within 15 days[/*][/list][/*][*]Reach Lv. 210 with Lara and receive the following:[list][*][b]Arcane Symbol Selector x50 Coupon[/b]: Cannot be traded, must be used within 15 days[/*][*][b]Nodestone x10[/b]: Cannot be traded, must be used within 15 days[/*][*][b]Experience Nodestone x1[/b]: Cannot be traded, must be used within 15 days[/*][/list][/*][*]Reach Lv. 215 with Lara and receive the following:[list][*][b]Arcane Symbol Selector x50 Coupon[/b]: Cannot be traded, must be used within 15 days[/*][*][b]Nodestone x10[/b]: Cannot be traded, must be used within 15 days[/*][*][b]Experience Nodestone x1[/b]: Cannot be traded, must be used within 15 days[/*][/list][/*][*]Reach Lv. 220 with Lara and receive the following:[list][*][b]Experience Nodestone x2[/b]: Cannot be traded, must be used within 15 days[/*][*][b]Select One of the following Rewards[/b]:[list][*][b]AbsoLab Weapon Box:[/b] Tradeable within the same account, must be opened prior to [b]11:59 PM UTC on February 15, 2022[/b]. Contains a permanent 17-star Unique Astrolab Weapon for your character's job.[/*][*][b]Dominator Pendant Box:[/b] Tradeable within the same account, must be opened prior to [b]11:59 PM UTC on February 15, 2022[/b]. Contains a permanent 15-star Unique Dominator Pendant.[/*][/list][/*][*][b]Mitra's Gift Box[/b][list][*]When used, grants [b]Nodestone x5[/b] and [b]Arcane Symbol Selector Coupon x20[/b][/*][*]Coupon Box resets every Monday at 10:00 AM UTC, and can be used again to get a second set of rewards[/*][*]Coupon Box has a 63-day duration, can be traded within the account[/*][*]Resulting items have a 10-day duration and cannot be traded[/*][/list][/*][/list][/*][/list] [u][u][b]Lara Details[/b][/u][/u] Lara is a young woman from a small, isolated village, venturing out into the world for the first time to fulfill her people's prophecy. Coming across a small, mystical bell, the young Lara has long been friends with the playful and kind spirits that roam the lands of Narin. As she explores the town filled with thieves, thugs, con artists, the poor and downtrodden, will she falter amidst its dangers... or will her pure heart bring out the best of those that she comes across? [img]https://nxcache.nexon.net/cms/2021/q4/1679/lara-basic-skills-maplestory-play-lara.png[/img] Lara can use her Wand weapon and spells connected to the playful spirits that surround her to protect herself and make Maple World a better place. Her innate connection with the lands help her find and become empowered by [b]Dragon Veins[/b], which can be used to power many of her skills, with powerful effects from Sun, Wind, and River spirits to bless her many spells including devastating [b]Eruption [/b]skills. [img]https://nxcache.nexon.net/cms/2021/q4/1678/lara-eruption-skills-maplestory-play-lara.png[/img] [b]Check out a few of Lara's joyous skills:[/b][list][*][b]Essence Sprinkle[/b]: Draw out the earth's flowing essence to attack enemies. Lv. 20+ required to learn Geomancy. Requires 1st Job Advancement.[/*][/list] [img]https://nxcache.nexon.net/cms/2021/q4/1680/lara-essence-sprinkle-maplestory-play-lara.png[/img] [list][*][b]Manifestation: Sunlight-Filled Ground[/b]: Manifest the power of sunlight within a Dragon Vein to create an area bathed in the sun's warm glow. Provides a buff that temporarily increases damage, and the life-giving power of the sun periodically recovers HP within the area. Applies 100% Knockback Resistance during casting motion. Requires [b]Eruption: Sunrise Well Lv. 20+[/b]. Lv. 20+ required to learn Nature Master. Requires 3rd Job Advancement.[/*][/list] [img]https://nxcache.nexon.net/cms/2021/q4/1681/manifestation-sunlight-filled-ground-maplestory-play-lara.png[/img] [list][*][b]Dragon Vein Absorption[/b]: Dragon Vein Skill. Consumes the surrounding dragon vein to absorb the dormant powers within. Lara absorbs the power of the dragon vein's attribute, and the land spirits of the absorbed attribute deal attacks when either Essence Sprinkle or Wakeup Call hit. If an Eruption Skill of the same attribute is activated during an Absorption skill, the previously activated Absorption skill will end. You will not take damage during Absorption skills even when attacking enemies with attack reflection. Applies 100% Knockback Resistance during casting motion. Absorption Skills are unaffected by Buff Duration Increase. Requires 4th Job Advancement.[/*][*][b]Absorption: River Puddle Douse[/b]: Dragon Vein Skill, Absorption Skill. When Essence Sprinkle hits, a mischievous River Spirit appears, along with a small body of water, and attacks enemies by dousing them. Requires 4th Job Advancement.[/*][*][b]Absorption: Fierce Wind[/b]: Dragon Vein Skill, Absorption Skill. When Essence Sprinkle hits, a Wind Spirit appears and causes a fierce wind that deals continuous damage to enemies. Requires 4th Job Advancement.[/*][*][b]Absorption: Sunlit Grain[/b]: Dragon Vein Skill, Absorption Skill. When Essence Sprinkle hits, the Sunlight Spirits gather together to emit spheres of condensed sunlight that pursue and attack enemies. Fireballs will first target any boss monsters within the area. If there are multiple boss monsters, the boss with the highest HP will be targeted. Requires 4th Job Advancement.[/*][/list] [img]https://nxcache.nexon.net/cms/2021/q4/1677/dragon-vein-absorption-maplestory-play-lara.png[/img] Lara is available for all players [b]today[/b], so create your own and show the world a better way!