Hi Maplers, First, we apologize for the inconvenience you may have experienced due to the issues discovered after the v.225 update maintenance. We received numerous reports from players about disconnection and crash issues from various contents in the game and we would like to thank you for your reports. Everything has been relayed to the team for investigation and we have been looking into them with high priority. Many of you have asked about the ETA of an unscheduled maintenance and we weren’t able to provide details since we first had to determine what type of maintenance was required to apply the necessary fixes in order to stabilize the servers. To give you all a brief update, we are currently preparing a v.226 major patch maintenance to address some of these critical bugs and issues discovered after the v.225 maintenance. Thus, making the v.225 update the shortest update we’ve had so far…! Despite the version up from v.225 to v.226, all contents and events will stay the same while the fixes to the live issues will be applied with the major patch update. We’re also working on a compensation plan to apologize for the inconveniences you experienced while playing MapleStory after the v.225 update. The compensation details will be shared in a future post at a later time, as we are focusing on getting the maintenance out as soon as we can. At the moment, we are in the process of testing the v.226 files with the fixes for the various issues. We are aiming to have the unscheduled major patch maintenance later this afternoon, or by tomorrow morning at the latest. We’ll provide the details on our maintenance post once it has been finalized. Thank you for your patience and understanding! [i]- Ghiblee and Production Team[/i]