[img]http://nxcache.nexon.net/cms/2017/1461/171101nvacrslan640.jpg[/img] [b]Forge Your Path with Two New Heroes in the Nova Update![/b] This winter, the world of MapleStory becomes even bigger with TWO brand-new characters to create! Learn about all the amazing content and events arriving soon. [b]New Playable Character: Cadena[/b] Meet Cadena, the only survivor of Magnus’s attack on the Heliseum royal family. Raised by the Shadowdealers she has a streetwise edge and wields a chain in battle! [b]Events for New Characters[/b] Level up faster than ever with the Mega Burning event, and earn free gifts for leveling up in the Breakthrough Nova event. Complete Step Up missions to get more rewards. In the Hunter's Arena event you can visit a special area to hunt monsters and earn tons of EXP! [b]Unlock 5th Job Skills[/b] The 5th job keeps getting better with the addition of new 5th job skills for all character job categories (Warrior, Magician, Bowman, Thief, Pirate)! [b]Spirit Savior Daily Dungeon[/b] Return to Arcana for this new daily dungeon! Save as many Rock Spirits as you can within the time limit to earn Spirit Coins which are exchangeable for a new Arcane Symbol. [b]Grand Athenaeum: Winter Bard[/b] A brand-new story comes to Grand Athenaeum! Play through episode 4, Winter Bard, and learn the story of this forgotten hero. [b]New Playable Character: Illium[/b] Meet Illium, who comes from a long line of magical beings. Unfortunately his magic skills are lacking—until he comes in contact with the ancient Crystal and awakens amazing power! [b]Morass Comes to Arcane River[/b] Adventure deeper into Arcane River to Morass, the Swamp of Memory! This brand-new area takes its appearance from the memories of the people who enter it, but it has been overwhelmed by the mysterious Tana. Learn more here: [url=http://maplestory.nexon.net/micro-site/nova]http://maplestory.nexon.net/micro-site/nova[/url]