[img]//g.nexonstatic.com/media/yeilel3m/1100x225-miracle-summer-june-29-tops-bottoms-overalls-capes-maplestory.jpg[/img] Miracle Summer is back for another year! Throughout the summer, Miracle Time will be enabled for equipment for a specific slot, giving you double the chance to Rank-Up your gear once! This [b]Saturday, June 29, 2024[/b], Maplers on all Worlds will have Miracle Time enabled for [b]Tops, Bottoms, Overalls and Cape Equipment[/b]! Cube your shirts, breastplates, and blouses, your shorts, skirts, and greaves, your robes, dresses, and trenchcoats, and even your cloaks, backpacks, and capes of all sorts, all-day Saturday with the improved Rank-Up chances! [h1][b]Miracle Time - Tops/Bottoms/Overalls/Capes[/b][/h1] [b]Event Duration:[/b] [list][*][b]PDT (UTC -7): Friday, June 28, 2024 5:00 PM - Saturday, June 29, 2024 4:59 PM[/b][/*][*][b]CEST (UTC +2): Saturday, June 29, 2024 2:00 AM - Sunday, June 30, 2024 1:59 AM[/b][/*][*][b]AEST (UTC +10): Saturday, June 29, 2024 10:00 AM - Sunday, June 30, 2024 9:59 AM[/b][/*][/list] [img]https://g.nexonstatic.com/media/cpnn2030/miracle-summer-cubes-maplestory.png[/img] [b]Event Details:[/b] [list][*]During the noted periods, you will be able to Cube away on [b]Equipment for the Top (including Overall items), Bottom, and Cape slots[/b] with [b]Glowing Cubes[/b], [b]Bright Cubes[/b], and [b]Bonus Glowing Cubes[/b], as well as [b]Bonus Bright Cubes[/b] if you have them, with double the chance to Rank-Up equipment once when cubing![/*][*]During the Miracle Time period, using a Cash Cube to upgrade an item to Legendary Rank will activate the "Double Miracle Time Blessing" buff for the map.[/*][*]Equipment for other slots does not benefit from this instance of the Miracle Summer event.[/*][/list][h1][b]Upcoming Miracle Summer Events[/b][/h1][list][*][b]July 13:[/b] Primary Weapons/Secondary Equipment[/*][*][b]July 27:[/b] Gloves[/*][*][b]August 10:[/b] Accessories and more[/*][*][b]August 24:[/b] Shoes[/*][/list]