[img]http://nxcache.nexon.net/cms/2018/5580/181107mm1100ip.jpg[/img] Hi Maplers, We're reaching out today with an update regarding roadmap notices. When we started these notices in 2022, we wanted to bring better communication to our players. These notices have been a valuable way to keep you informed about upcoming content and the team has been continuously working hard to ensure a timely update. However, with Global Maplestory (GMS) forging its own unique path as mentioned earlier this year at GDC and the Inkwell Notes, there is an adjustment period for us to adapt to the many changes in internal processes and procedures so we can continue to provide a positive experience for you. As we embark on this new adventure, we'll need more time to solidify details and ensure proper localization for GMS before sharing them publicly. After careful consideration with the team, we have decided it was necessary to tentatively end roadmap notices. We understand this news might be disappointing, and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience it may cause. Previously, GMS closely followed the content of Korea Maplestory (KMS), resulting in a more predictable development timeline. This allowed us to create roadmaps that we shared until the second quarter of this year. Our new direction involves creating different content, which makes it challenging to finalize long-term plans as far in advance as we did before. Our efforts are focused on delivering an exceptional gameplay experience for our GMS service. While roadmap notices are on pause, we will still be actively keeping you updated with announcements through our platforms. We appreciate your understanding as we navigate this new direction for GMS. We will continue to do our best for our players. Thank you. Mjollnir and the MapleStory Team