[img]http://nxcache.nexon.net/cms/2018/5580/181107mm1100ip.jpg[/img] Greetings Maplers, Thank you for your patience and waiting on the details of the Jett Job Advancement to Explorer Event. As shared in our previous Maple Memo, we would like to provide information about the details of the Jett Job Advancement to Explorer event schedule and the corresponding compensation. [b]Overview[/b] During the event period, Jett characters that are 4th Job or higher will be able to change their job to one of the 15 Explorer jobs through quests in the event notifier. Upon changing jobs, Jett’s currently equipped items, stats, and skills will be converted appropriately for the new job. At the end of the Jett Job Advancement to Explorer event, all non-participating Jett characters will be converted into Beginners and any Jett-related achievements will be moved to the History tab. Existing Jett characters will still be playable during the event until the start of the first Winter Patch (tentatively November 2023). At the start of the first Winter Patch, players logging into any remaining Jett characters will be required to transfer to an Explorer class. [b]Event Period[/b] [list][*]July 27, 2023 after the maintenance ~ End of the Winter Patch (tentatively February 2024)[/*][*]Existing Jett characters will still be playable from July 27, 2023 ~ Start of the Winter Patch (tentatively November 2023)[/*][/list] [b]Job Advancement[/b] [list][*]Start the [b][Jett] Job Advancement to Explorer[/b] quest through the star event notifier on the left side of the screen to begin the Job Advancement process.[/*][*]After viewing a short cutscene, proceed with the [b][Jett] Job Advancement to Explorer[/b] quest to select your new job.[/*][*]Once you select the desired job, carefully read through the prompts and acknowledge the transfer details.[/*][*]Upon acknowledging and proceeding, the job change and equipment conversion will be complete![/*][/list] [b]Equipment Conversion[/b] [list][*]Stats, Bonus Stats, Scroll Enhancements, Star Force Enhancements, Potentials, and Bonus Potentials of all [b]equipped items[/b] will be changed to the primary stat of the Explorer Job chosen during the transfer.[/*][*]Job-specific equipment such as [b]Fafnir[/b], [b]Absolab[/b], [b]Arcane Umbra[/b], [b]Sweetwater[/b], [b]Eternal[/b], [b]Genesis[/b], [b]Sengoku Era[/b], [b]Sengoku Era (Lupine)[/b], [b]Terminus[/b], and Lv.100+ [b]Secondary Weapons[/b] and [b]Emblems[/b] will be converted to items that can be equipped by the Explorer Job chosen during the transfer. [i](Note: Temporary equipment are excluded)[/i][/*][*]Other job-restricted equipment will have their enhanced values changed, but the job restriction will not be changed.[/*][*]When transferring to a Dual Blade character, the Secondary Weapon will not be converted to a Katara. Instead, you will need to choose between a Shadow or Charm.[/*][*]When transferring to a Magician job, the [b]Attack[/b] stat on a Magnificent Soul will be changed to [b]Magic ATT[/b].[/*][*]The Star Force Enhancement level of the converted items will be kept.[/*][*]Items that are not equipped will be excluded from the Equipment Transfer.[list][*]Sealed and Unsealed Genesis weapons in your inventory will be converted.[/*][/list][/*][*]The following job-specific equipment items and sets will be converted to the job-specific items appropriate for the new job that is chosen.[/*][*][i]Note: Only items currently equipped on the Jett character will be converted with the exception of Sealed and Unsealed Genesis weapons in your inventory.[/i][list][*][b]Weapon[/b][list][*]Fafnir Zeliska[/*][*]AbsoLab Point Gun[/*][*]Arcane Umbra Pistol[/*][*]Genesis Pistol[/*][*]Sweetwater Shooter[/*][*]Susano-o’s Baleful Blaster[/*][*]Susano-o’s Lupine Baleful Blaster[/*][*]Terminus Raider[/*][/list][/*][*][b]Hat[/b][list][*]Royal Wanderer Hat[/*][*]AbsoLab Pirate Fedora[/*][*]Arcane Umbra Pirate Hat[/*][*]Eternal Pirate Hat[/*][*]Susano-o’s Helm[/*][/list][/*][*][b]Top[/b][list][*]Eagle Eye Wanderer Coat[/*][*]Eternal Pirate Coat[/*][/list][/*][*][b]Bottom[/b][list][*]Trixter Wanderer Pants[/*][*]Eternal Pirate Pants[/*][/list][/*][*][b]Outfit[/b][list][*]AbsoLab Pirate Suit[/*][*]Arcane Umbra Pirate Suit[/*][*]Susano-o’s Armor[/*][/list][/*][*][b]Shoes[/b][list][*]AbsoLab Pirate Shoes[/*][*]Arcane Umbra Pirate Shoes[/*][*]Susano-o’s Shoes[/*][*]Tyrant Altair Boots[/*][/list][/*][*][b]Gloves[/b][list][*]AbsoLab Pirate Gloves[/*][*]Arcane Umbra Pirate Gloves[/*][*]Susano-o’s Gloves[/*][*]Tyrant Altair Gloves[/*][/list][/*][*][b]Cape[/b][list][*]AbsoLab Pirate Cape[/*][*]Arcane Umbra Pirate Cape[/*][*]Susano-o’s Cape[/*][*]Tyrant Altair Cloak[/*][/list][/*][*][b]Shoulder[/b][list][*]AbsoLab Pirate Shoulder[/*][*]Arcane Umbra Pirate Shoulder[/*][*]Eternal Pirate Shoulder[/*][*]Susano-o’s Epaulet[/*][/list][/*][*][b]Belt[/b][list][*]Susano-o’s Belt[/*][*]Tyrant Altair Belt[/*][/list][/*][*][b]Emblem[/b][list][*]Gold Astro Emblem[/*][*]Mitra’s Rage: Pirate[/*][/list][/*][*][b]Totem[/b][list][*]Dark Avenger Totem[/*][*]Billy Figurine[/*][*]Schrodinger At The School Infirmary[/*][*]Mighty Joe Joe Totem[/*][*]Black Boss Kumi Totem[/*][/list][/*][*][b]Secondary Weapon[/b] [i]Note: When job advancing to a Dual Blade, you will have the option to select a Shadow or Charm[/i][list][*]Arcturus Fist[/*][*]Princess No’s Orion Fist[/*][*]Onyx Maple Claw[/*][*]Frozen Maple Claw[/*][*]Maple Treasure Fist[/*][/list][/*][*]Trade attributes are maintained.[list][*]For example, if you used a [b]Platinum Scissors of Karma[/b] to make an item tradeable, it will maintain that status of tradeability.[/*][/list][/*][/list][/*][/list] [b]Node Conversion[/b] [list][*]Upon completing the [b][Jett] Jett Advancement to Explorer[/b] quest, all [b]Skill[/b] and [b]Boost[/b] nodes will be converted to Nodeshards based on the Level and amount of EXP of each individual node.[list][*][i]Note: You will receive enough Nodeshards to create and enhance your nodes to the same level they were previously at.[/i][/*][/list][/*][*][b]Shared Skill [/b]nodes and [b]Special [/b]nodes will not be converted and will remain in your V-Matrix.[/*][/list] [b]Familiar Conversion[/b] [list][*]The stats and Attack/Magic ATT increase stats from the potentials of Familiars you own will be changed to the appropriate stats of the Explorer Job chosen during the transfer.[/*][/list] [b]Compensation Distribution[/b] [list][*]There will be two types of compensation distributed during the event.[list][*]The first is compensation that will be distributed to each Jett character that transfers to another Explorer.[/*][/list][/*][*]The second is compensation that will be distributed after completing the job transfer on all Jett characters in the world.[/*][/list] [b]Compensation for each Jett Character that Completes the Job Transfer:[/b] [list][*][b]Character Name Change Coupon[/b]: Untradeable, 7-day duration.[/*][*][b]Jett Basic Outfit Coupon[/b]: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Use to obtain one of the following:[list][*][b]Jett Basic Outfit (M)[/b]: Untradeable, Permanent.[list][*]Jett Cape[/*][*]Jett Shoes[/*][*]Jett Outfit (M)[/*][*]Jett Hat[/*][/list][/*][*][b]Jett Basic Outfit (F)[/b]: Untradeable, Permanent[list][*]Jett Cape[/*][*]Jett Shoes[/*][*]Jett Outfit (F)[/*][*]Jett Hat[/*][/list][/*][/list][/*][*]Permanent [b]Anti Gravity Cycle SFF-X Mount Coupon[/b]: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Use to obtain:[list][*][b]Anti Gravity Cycle SFF-X[/b]: Untradeable, Permanent.[/*][/list][/*][*][b]Cerberus Symbol Coupon[/b]: Untradeable, 7-day duration. Use to obtain:[list][*][b]Cerberus Symbol[/b]: Untradeable, Permanent.[list][*]Item Description: Jett Job Symbol Cash Effect[/*][/list][/*][/list][/*][/list] [b]Compensation for completing the Jett Job Advancement to Explorer Event on all Jett Characters (Once Per World):[/b] [list][*][b]Trace of Jett[/b]: Tradeable within account, 365-day duration.[list][*][b]Link Skill[/b]: All stats, Attack/Magic Attack +35 (max of each effect)[/*][*][b]Legion[/b]: Passive: Critical Damage Increase: +6%[/*][/list][/*][*][b]Magnificent Growth Potion[/b]: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.[/*][*][b]Growth Potion Selector Coupon[/b]: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Use to obtain one of the following:[list][*][b]Growth Potion (200-209) (x8)[/b]: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.[/*][*][b]Growth Potion (200-219) (x4)[/b]: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.[/*][*][b]Growth Potion (200-229) (x2)[/b]: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.[/*][*][b]Typhoon Growth Potion[/b]: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.[/*][/list][/*][*][b]Nodestone (x100)[/b]: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.[/*][*][b]Symbol Selector Coupon (Arcane x100 / Sacred x20)[/b]: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.[/*][*][b]3x EXP Coupon (15 min) (x10)[/b]: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.[/*][/list] [b]Additional Event Notes[/b] [list][*]After the Jett Job Advancement to Explorer Event begins, existing Jett characters will be restricted from participating in ranked content and events.[/*][*]In order to receive the compensation for completing the Jett Job Advancement to Explorer rewards, [b]ALL[/b] Jett characters in the world must Job Advance to one of the available Explorer classes.[list][*][b]For Example[/b]: If you transferred one Jett to an Explorer Job, but you have additional Jett characters that have not transferred, you will [b]NOT[/b] be able to claim the rewards until the additional Jett characters have transferred.[/*][*]The number of Jett characters required to transfer is based on the number of Jett characters in the world when the event starts. Therefore, we strongly recommend [b]not deleting[/b] any Jett characters after the event has started.[/*][/list][/*][/list] [b]Player Ranking Changes[/b] At the start of the Jett Job Advancement to Explorer Event, we will be rolling out a few changes to the Player Rankings on the Official MapleStory Website to handle the removal of Jett and address the concerns around the Beginner Explorer rankings. [list][*]Jett will be removed from the Explorer Job rankings section and added to the Classic Rankings section. This new “Classic Jett” rankings will no longer be updated, but instead serve as a remembrance of the dedication and hard work you Maplers have put into Jett characters.[/*][*]At the end of the Jett Job Advancement to Explorer Event, the existing Beginner rankings will remain, but we will be adding a new Beginner rankings section to exclude any of the Jett characters that were converted to Beginners.[/*][/list] [b]Discontinuation of Jett Cash Items[/b] The following Jett Cash Items will be discontinued from the Cash Shop on August 9, 2023 during the weekly Cash Shop update. [list][*]Jett Core Aura Package[/*][*]Supernova Dust[/*][*]Condensed Supernova Dust[/*][*]Stellar Cosmic Dust Solidifier[/*][*]Cosmic Dust Shifter[/*][/list] We hope that these details are helpful in shedding some light on what is to come. Thank you for your understanding and continued support. Mjollnir Producer - MapleStory