[img]http://nxcache.nexon.net/cms/2018/5580/181107mm1100ip.jpg[/img] Hi Maplers, We’re here to share our Roadmap for Q2 2023! As always, please be mindful that it will list the notable updates but not everything that will be included in each patch. We recommend waiting for the respective update’s Update Preview post or Patch Notes post for details. [img]https://nxcache.nexon.net/cms/2023/q1/3135/230221_v2_banner_q2_roadmap_timeline_6338.jpg[/img] [list][*]v.241 Update[list][*]18th Anniversary - Maple Momentree[/*][*]Cash Inventory Transfer Event[/*][*]Dormant Guild Removal[/*][/list][/*][*]v.242 Update[list][*]New Class: Khali[/*][*]Wongstaurant[/*][*]Job Balance Changes[/*][*]Level Up Improvements[/*][*]Star Force Enhancement Improvements[/*][*]Burning Events[/*][/list][/*][/list] [img]https://nxcache.nexon.net/cms/2023/q1/3130/230329_v8_q2_roadmap_timeline_6338.jpg[/img] [b]v.241 - 18th Anniversary - Maple Momentree [/b] Celebrate the 18th anniversary of MapleStory with the Maple Momentree! A giant Maple Momentree has appeared somewhere in Maple World. Rith and Ellie, the tree's spirits, aren't growing and the adult spirits are worried. They say that Rith and Ellie have to grow for the Momentree's stopped time to start flowing. Play with Rith and Ellie to help them grow. There will be lots of fun events where you can collect Memory Tokens and then exchange them for awesome rewards! Chart the spirits’ growth in the Growth Journal, cook nutritious food for them with Power Up! Cooking Collection, go Mole Hunting around the base of the Momentree, and lots more. [b]v.241 - Cash Inventory Transfer Event [/b] The event everyone has been waiting for, the Cash Transfer Event is coming in June! Prepare your Cash Items to be moved around as you perfect your FashionStory. [b]v.241 - Dormant Guild Removal [/b] We will be removing dormant guilds so that the guild names can be available for active players to claim. If the original choice for your guild name was taken, this might free up that name for use! Check out more details in our [url=https://maplestory.nexon.net/news/81923]Dormant Guild Removal[/url] post. [b]v.242 - New Class: Khali [/b] Introducing the newest class–Khali, the Wind of Vengeance! Khali is a priestess of the Grandis High Flora race. She enters the Guard Selection Test with her twin sibling to become the Lord's guard, out of her admiration for the graceful Lord. She is fluid in combat as she utilizes the Chakram to attack in close range and link swift movement skills. She can resonate with the Chakri created during battle to perform powerful skills. Play through Khali’s story and learn how this priestess and her sister are part of a royal guard. [b]v.242 - Wongstaurant [/b] Wonky the Fairy and friends finally opened the restaurant of their dreams! They're looking for someone to test out the menu prepared for the VIPs visiting Wongstaurant and share their thoughts. Enjoy the Main Menu prepared by Wonky the Fairy and the Special Menu that changes every week and receive various gifts! [b]v.242 - Job Balance Changes [/b] It’s time again we look at balancing all the Jobs. This time around both Zero and Kinesis get a new 5th job skill. Most jobs are getting usability improvements. You can learn more about the specific changes in the v.242 patch notes. [b]v.242 - Level Up Improvements [/b] Level 220 - 259 will require less EXP to level up, some hunting zones in Arcane River have been improved, and a new hunting zone has been added to Limina. Arcane River's special content has been changed to weekly content, the EXP rewards have been adjusted, and a new special content, Midnight Chaser, has been added to Lachelein. If you're within these levels, now is the perfect time to revisit some of this content to check out the changes! [b]v.242 - Star Force Enhancement Improvements [/b] Star Forcing is getting easier! Soon, you will be able to Star Force up to 15 stars without any chance to destroy your item and without any chance for your item to lower in Star Force. Because of this, the meso required to Star Force these levels will be increased. If you still have 12-14 Star items lying around, you should plan on getting them up to 15 after this update! [b]v.242 - Burning Events [/b] Something that Maplers are always asking about, it’s almost time to burn another character! The Burning Events include Burning World and Hyper Burning to help you speed up progression by allowing you to level three times every time you level up. In addition to this, there will be various rewards along the way! We hope you’re excited by this high-level view of the content and events arriving to GMS in v.241 - v.242 2023. As always, our goal with these roadmaps is to provide information that players may be curious about and assist players with advanced preparation. Please keep in mind that there is more content on the way in addition to those listed above, so we advise players to refer to the Update Preview post and Patch Notes post for the finalized details for every game update. If plans change due to unforeseen circumstances, we will have a mid-update post to inform players of the changes to the proposed timeline. Hope you’re excited! Thank you, Veeraah and the MapleStory Team