Hi Maplers, It has been a while since the last memo and I hope you’re having a good summer time! Today I would like to talk about our upcoming Double Miracle Time (DMT) event that we plan to have in late July since we’re trying to run the event differently this time. As you may know, we had server instability issues the last time we ran the DMT event as it's one of the most beloved and highly participated events in MapleStory. Due to this reason, we had to take some time to come up with ideas to run the event in a more stable way while still giving many players a chance to make the best use of the event perks. This time, there will be a registration period prior to the actual DMT event where players will have to accept a quest and select the day when they want to enjoy the DMT perks [b]between July 28 and August 3[/b]. We call this new version of the event “[b]Mark Your Miracle Time[/b]” and players can participate in the Mark Your Miracle Time one day per world during the event duration. Each Mark Your Miracle Time day will be capable of hosting 4,000 players per world and in total, 28,000 players will be able to participate per world over the course of the event. This will allow us to split the participants into several days so the server won’t receive the influx of system requests all in one day. As for the Mark Your Miracle Time perks that will start from July 28, the benefits will remain the same as that of our previous DMT event. However, [b]since you will not be able to participate in the Mark Your Miracle Time event without the registration[/b], I would like to encourage you to keep an eye on the MapleStory website for further details so that you can complete the registration on time. The registration will start from [b]July 22 at 5:00 PM PDT (July 23 at 12:00 AM UTC)[/b] and we also plan to release a more detailed video guide and web post that elaborate on this event early next week. Please be prepared for the Mark Your Miracle Time registration event! One other thing I would like to let you know is that we will not have a cube pack deal with the Mark Your Miracle Time event since our number one priority this time is server stability. Due to the concerns that too many Cash Shop requests can cause severe server load, which may hinder the event, we will be holding it without the sale this time around. This might be disappointing news for some players but I hope you understand our efforts to run this event in a stable way as much as possible. I would also like to talk about our recent players’ concern for transparent communication. I fully understand your frustration and I also agree that we need to give our players a clear answer about the important matters you care about. Players are putting a lot of effort into our game and as a MapleStory Producer, I truly appreciate that we have dedicated players like you. While we fully understand that players would like to hear more about the important topics from us, it is true that it is difficult for us to give quick answers to your questions since we have our internal process to follow when reviewing and discussing these contents and topics. We need to be responsible for the things we say, so we try to be more cautious when sharing any opinions or news with the players. It doesn’t mean that we’re not looking at what players are discussing in the community channels and what concerns our players have about some game topics. Sometimes, it takes longer for us to talk about a certain issue because some topics require thorough review internally before we come to a conclusion that we can share publicly. However, as I mentioned in my other memo, we’re continuously working with internal teams to improve our communication and we will do our best to give you a fast and clear update when there are game issues or updates that you need to be aware of. We will try to be transparent as much as we can when providing those updates as well. Our current focus is to find out the cause of the Reboot lag issue and we’re working closely with internal teams and our players to improve the Reboot environment. We received video capture of the issue from some players and based on that information, we started testing the different server configurations to pinpoint the cause of the issue and address the problem. That is all for today and I’ll write again when we have important news to share next time. Thank you always for your support and enjoy your summer! Thank you, [i]- Anna[/i]