Hi Maplers, Today, I would like to give you an update about what [url=https://maplestory.nexon.net/news/66412/updated-april-6-maple-memo-mechanical-hearts-and-player-feedback-april-6]we discussed last time through the previous memo[/url]. I apologize that it took more time to release this follow-up memo, but we wanted to make sure that we could give our players more meaningful information with our update. [b]Better Explanation of Game Changes and Updates[/b] [list][*]We plan to provide additional context and intention behind some of the important changes that will be implemented in future game updates through our Patch Notes. Our goal is to provide better visibility to our players about why a specific change is being made. We will continue to release Maple Memos for bigger changes in-game that we need to explain to our players with more context.[/*][/list] [b]Recent Korea Player Conference and Game Improvements[/b] [list][*]We closely monitor our community platforms on a daily basis and we’re aware of the topics and suggestions that our players discuss, including the player conference that was held in Korea. We were reviewing when we can implement the changes that are being discussed into the game. As you may know, we normally have 5 to 6 months of time to bring these updates to our game service. However, since we know that the Quality of Life changes that Korea MapleStory recently implemented are special revamps that you are looking forward to, we have been actively reviewing the contents to see if we can bring at least some of the changes to our region earlier than our normal 5-6 month cycle. For now, here are the changes that we’re considering to implement in July. Please note that we will provide the details with our July update Patch Notes.[/*][list][*]Improvements in acquisition of Cubes and Flames[/*][*]Arcane River Droplet Stones will become exchangeable in Reboot world[/*][*]Star Force enhancements and Spell Trace enhancements’ animation time will be shortened to ⅕ of current time[/*][*]Keeping certain buff effects active on the character when the game client closed[/*][/list][/list] [b]Sharing High-Level Roadmap of Future Updates with the Community[/b] [list][*]We tend to be very cautious when sharing information about future updates with you since there’s a possibility that the plan can change due to unforeseen circumstances that we didn’t expect during the planning stage. However, we understand that our players would like to know our future update plan to better prepare themselves, and so we will do our best to share this type of information with you as early as possible. We are still coming up with ways to best communicate these topics, but I want to let you know that we’re actively brainstorming ideas.[/*][*]Until we have a better channel to discuss our future plans, I want to give you some information on what we’re working on for our summer update. As you can expect, we’re currently working on our June and July Neo updates. Our plan is to release the first part of our Neo update on [b]June 9[/b], and this will be an exciting update since the max level will increase to Lv. 300. There will be various changes for fast growth, such as a 20% reduction in required EXP for level-ups between Lv. 210-250, as well as an EXP increase when defeating monsters of the same level as you. Additionally, the death penalty will be changed with the Neo update and the max damage and meso limit will be increased. Most importantly, a new character, also known as the Darkness Chaser will join the MapleStory journey with the Neo update.[/*][*]Here are some additional highlights of the Neo update that I hope you find exciting:[list][*][b]June 9[/b]: [b]Burning World [/b]and [b]Tera Burning [/b]will return with an opportunity for 1+2 rapid level-up![/*][*][b]June 9[/b]: Neo Castle events are coming your way[/*][*][b]June 9[/b]: A new region arrives--a sacred city where an ancient god lies dormant--known as "[b]Cernium[/b], City of the Gods"[/*][*][b]July Update[/b]: A derelict hotel in a vast desert, another new region called "[b]Hotel Arcus[/b]" will be unveiled[/*][*][b]July Update[/b]: Meet new boss "[b]Chosen Seren[/b]", the holy guardian of the sword![/*][*][b]July Update[/b]: [b]Zero and Beast Tamer character creation [/b]will be available in all worlds during the July update period[/*][/list][/*][*]We’re also reviewing the feasibility of having another Better Maple with our July update, following June, so we will keep you updated once we finish our reviewing process.[/*][/list] These are the updates that I have for today but please know that we’re discussing and reviewing other things as well that were mentioned in our previous memo. Thank you, [u]- Anna[/u]