Join the Community Managers [b]Ezrabell [/b]and [b]Veeraah[/b] in the next Community Livestream! Grab your drinks and prepare for an adventure of fun in this upcoming livestream. Join us on any of the platforms listed below this[b] Friday, September 23rd at 2:00 PM PDT (5:00 PM EDT)[/b]. [b]CM Ezrabell [/b]and [b]CM Veeraah[/b] will be hanging out on Bera and challenging each other in Jump Quests! There will also be giveaways throughout the stream for some Cool Cat Chairs and handy consumeables! Make sure you don't miss out on the fun~ [b]See you Friday[/b]! [list][*][url=]Twitch[/url][url=] [/url][/*][*][url=]YouTube[/url][/*][*][url=]Twitter[/url][/*][*][url=]Steam[/url][/*][*][url=]Facebook[/url][/*][/list] [url=][img][/img][/url]