[b][Update 10:30 AM Jun 24][/b] Updated with the times for xChocoBars and Natsumiii's streams to begin ([b]2:00 PM PDT / 11:00 PM CEST / 7:00 AM Jun 25 AEST[/b]), as well as that rewards earned from those livestreams must be collected by [b]August 31[/b]. [b][Update 3:30 PM Jun 22][/b] Updated the Drop Rewards, as the EXP Coupon and Drop Rate Coupon rewards were incorrectly swapped originally. Join some of our MapleStory community livestreamers on Twitch this week as they explore the Destiny update, and claim special Twitch Drop prizes at the same time! Watch [url=https://www.twitch.tv/stoopzz]Stoopzz on [b]Wednesday, June 22[/b] at [/url][b][url=https://www.twitch.tv/stoopzz]3:00 PM PDT[/url] (12:00 AM Jun 23 CEST / 8:00 AM Jun 23 AEST)[/b], and xChocoBars and Natsumiii on [b]Friday, June 24[/b] to have some fun and earn Drop Rate Coupons, EXP Bonuses and the special Observatory Chair item! [b]Livestream Times:[/b] [list][*][url=https://www.twitch.tv/stoopzz]Stoopzz: [b]Wednesday, June 22[/b] at [b]3:00 PM PDT (12:00 AM Jun 23 CEST / 8:00 AM Jun 23 AEST)[/b][/url][/*][*][url=https://www.twitch.tv/xchocobars]xChocoBars: [b]Friday, June 24[/b] at [b]2:00 PM PDT (11:00 PM CEST / 7:00 AM Jun 25 AEST)[/b][/url][/*][*][url=https://www.twitch.tv/natsumiii]Natsumiii: [b]Friday, June 24[/b] at [b]2:00 PM PDT (11:00 PM CEST / 7:00 AM Jun 25 AEST)[/b][/url][/*][/list] [b]Twitch Drop Details:[/b] [list][*]Please make sure you properly link your [url=https://support.nexon.net/hc/en-us/articles/360001314823][u]Twitch account to your[/u][u] [/u][u]Nexon[/u][u] [/u][u]account[/u][/url], and make sure you have a MapleStory character on your Nexon account.[/*][*]To earn rewards throughout the streams, you must watch the stream for a certain amount of time to be eligible.[/*][*]Please claim the [b]Twitch Drop[/b] rewards by the end of the stream and collect them from the in-game[b] Gift Drop[/b] by [b]July 2, 12:00 AM UTC[/b].[/*][*]Rewards earned during the [b]Friday, June 24[/b] livestreams must be collected from the in-game [b]Gift Drop[/b], by [b]August 31, 12:00 AM UTC[/b].[/*][*]Twitch Drop rewards can be obtained once per account.[/*][*]Watch Time is cumulative across all livestreams in this event (ie: watching 15 minutes of one Livestream, 20 minutes of another, and 25 minutes of a third will reward all three prizes).[/*][/list] [b]Twitch Drop Rewards[/b]: [list][*]15-minute Watch Time [list][*][b]2x EXP Coupon (15 min) (x5)[/b][/*][/list][/*][*]30-minute Watch Time[list][*][b]2x Drop Rate Coupon (15min) (x5)[/b][/*][/list][/*][*]60-minute Watch Time[list][*][b]Observatory Chair[/b][/*][/list][/*][/list]