[img]https://nxcache.nexon.net/cms/2024/q1/1041/carcion-post-1100x225.jpg[/img] Protect the new area, Carcion, from Darmoor’s apostle who seeks the power of the ancient god, Keira.

[u][u][b]Carcion, the Cradle of Life[/b][/u][/url][/u]

[b]Event Details:[/b] [list][*]Limbo, another one of Darmoor's Apostles, is invading Carcion and must be stopped![/*][*][b]Requirements:[/b] Lv. 285 and above characters that have completed their 5th Job Advancement and the '[Arteria] The Need For Change' quest.[/*][*]Accept the '[Carcion] An Absent Empress' quest through the lightbulb notifier on the left side of the screen.[/*][*]Once you’ve completed the Carcion quests, you will receive [b]Sacred Symbol: Carcion[/b].[/*][*]Afterwards, you can perform a daily quest from Duhan at Eye of the Ishfira map. Upon completing the daily quest, you can obtain [b]Sacred Symbol: Carcion (x10)[/b].[/*][*]The following quests have been added: [list][*][Carcion] An Absent Empress[/*][*][Carcion] Aftermath of the Invasion[/*][*][Carcion] Gaon's Past[/*][*][Carcion] Towards Carcion[/*][*][Carcion] Traces of the Flora Army[/*][*][Carcion] Enter the Outskirts of Carcion[/*][*][Carcion] Pinjar Search[/*][*][Carcion] History of War[/*][*][Carcion] Supporting the Scouts[/*][*][Carcion] Laguna Search[/*][*][Carcion] Unstoppable Pursuit[/*][*][Carcion] The Cause of Infection[/*][*][Carcion] Whereabouts of the Snakes[/*][*][Carcion] Removing the Power of Gods[/*][*][Carcion] Lost Contact[/*][*][Carcion] Exploring the Sea Cave[/*][*][Carcion] God of Rivers, Keira[/*][*][Carcion] Reclaiming the Sanctuary[/*][*][Carcion] Last Chance[/*][*][Carcion] A Future Without Gods[/*][*][Carcion] Return to Ereve[/*][*][Carcion] A Letter from Across the Continent[/*][/list][/*][*]The following NPCs have been added: [list][*]Duhan[/*][*]Eto[/*][*]Hinya[/*][*]Lopa[/*][/list][/*][*]The following maps have been added: [list][*]Carcion: Eye of the Ishfira[/*][*]Carcion: Temple of Tears[/*][*]Carcion: Sacred Tree Summit[/*][*]Carcion: Carcion Entrance[/*][*]Carcion: Pinjar's Armor[/*][*]Carcion: Laguna's Fang[/*][*]Carcion: Coastal Treeline 1[/*][*]Carcion: Coastal Treeline 2[/*][*]Carcion: Hidden Laboratory[/*][*]Carcion: Inside the Lab[/*][*]Carcion: Somewhere Deep Inside the Cave[/*][*]Carcion: Giant Coral Colony 1[/*][*]Carcion: Giant Coral Colony 2[/*][*]Carcion: Giant Coral Colony 3[/*][*]Carcion: Calm Beach 1[/*][*]Carcion: Calm Beach 2[/*][*]Carcion: Calm Beach 3[/*][*]Carcion: Enfolding Forest 1[/*][*]Carcion: Enfolding Forest 2[/*][*]Carcion: Enfolding Forest 3[/*][*]Carcion: Among Dark Trunks 1[/*][*]Carcion: Among Dark Trunks 2[/*][*]Carcion: Among Dark Trunks 3[/*][*]Carcion: Breathtaking Cave 1[/*][*]Carcion: Breathtaking Cave 2[/*][*]Carcion: Breathtaking Cave 3[/*][*]Carcion: Breathtaking Cave 4[/*][*]Carcion: Sunken Ruins 1[/*][*]Carcion: Sunken Ruins 2[/*][*]Carcion: Sunken Ruins 3[/*][*]Carcion: Sunken Ruins 4[/*][/list][/*][*]The following monsters have been added: [list][*](Lv. 285) Abyssal Informant[/*][*](Lv. 285) Despairing Guard[/*][*](Lv. 286) Abyssal Guard[/*][*](Lv. 286) Monstrous Shadow Bird[/*][*](Lv. 287) Despairing Hunter[/*][*](Lv. 288) Abyssal Hunter[/*][*](Lv. 288) Shadowy Black Panther[/*][*](Lv. 289) Knight of the Source[/*][*](Lv. 289) Priest of the Source[/*][/list][/*][*]The following Elite Boss monster has been added: [list][*]Abyss Guide[/*][/list][/*][*]A medal has been added to the Carcion area which you can receive during the Carcion questline. [list][*][b]The Eternal Tree's Guardian[/b][/*][/list][/*][*]With the addition of the Carcion, the criteria for Lv. 294 character level EXP/Meso penalty has been changed to Lv. 299 due to the level difference and monsters near your level (20 levels below and 20 levels above) when the character exceeds Lv. 294.[/*][/list] [b]Rewards:[/b] [list][*][b]Sacred Symbol: Carcion[/b][/*][*][b]The Eternal Tree's Guardian:[/b] Medal. Untradeable, Permanent, Stats will remain permanently. Grants Attack Power +3, Magic Attack +3.[/*][/list] [img]https://nxcache.nexon.net/cms/2023/q4/2417/image-3.png[/img] [url=#top]Back to Top[/url]