[img]http://nxcache.nexon.net/umbraco/9138/1_21conhro45.jpg[/img] [b]VISIT THE NEW CONTINENT OF ARCANE RIVER[/b] Put your power to the ultimate test in Arcane River, an entirely new continent for players level 200 and above. With three major new regions to master, even the most elite players will never have a shortage of new areas to explore, monsters to conquer, and treasures to uncover! [img]http://nxcache.nexon.net/umbraco/9139/2_maparver643.jpg[/img] [b]VANISHING JOURNEY[/b] [img]http://nxcache.nexon.net/umbraco/9140/3_mapvjydjs.jpg[/img] Your test of power on the Arcane River begins with the first new region, [b]Vanishing Journey[/b]. Upon completing your 5th Job advancement, you will find yourself in front of the Gate of the Present leading into the mysterious icy road, a region best suited for players level 200 and above as you’ll find strong new monsters that will put your new 5th Job skills to the test. AVAILABLE ON DECEMBER 15, 2016 [img]http://nxcache.nexon.net/umbraco/9141/4_vch5ers.jpg[/img] [b]CHU CHU ISLAND[/b] [img]http://nxcache.nexon.net/umbraco/9143/5_mapchch76as.jpg[/img] Use your newfound power to help a friendly village! Your exploration of the Arcane River continues with the introduction of [b]Chu Chu Island[/b], a colorful new tropical paradise. Help the residents defeat the evil attacking their village by building up their greatest asset—a hungry creature made of rock! Once his stomach is full, he’s an unstoppable force protecting the island. This is a region for players level 210 and above so only the strongest heroes should enter. AVAILABLE ON DECEMBER 28, 2016 [img]http://nxcache.nexon.net/umbraco/9142/6_chchs6wad.jpg[/img] [b]LACHELEIN THE DREAMING CITY[/b] [img]http://nxcache.nexon.net/umbraco/9144/7_maplclmnx.jpg[/img] Prepare for the ultimate test as you uncover the lore and mystery behind Lucid, the most challenging boss in Maple history. Power up your hero as you discover her origin through hidden cracks of sub-consciousness located through the new region, [b]Lachelein[/b]. Discover the mystery behind the source of her deadly ability to manipulate dreams and use it and your new found strength to defeat her before she terrorizes more innocent victims in the Maple World! AVAILABLE ON JANUARY 4, 2017 [img]http://nxcache.nexon.net/umbraco/9145/8_lhhs5s6a.jpg[/img] [b]UNLEASH YOUR TRUE POTENTIAL AND BECOME THE ELITE MAPLE HERO YOU ARE MEANT TO BE![/b] Learn more here: [url=http://maplestory.nexon.net/micro-site/v-update]http://maplestory.nexon.net/micro-site/v-update[/url]