[b][Updated 10:09 AM PDT September 16] [/b]The maintenance has been completed! We have extended Cash Shop items for 3 hours. Please make sure to restart your Nexon Launcher or Steam to make sure that you get the latest client. We will be performing a scheduled maintenance on[b] Thursday[b], September 16, 2021 at 7:00 AM PDT (10:00 AM EDT / 4:00 PM CEST / 12:00 AM AEST Sept. 17[/b][b]).[/b][/b] We anticipate the maintenance to last approximately 3 hours, concluding around [b]10[/b][b]:00 AM [/b][b]PDT (1:00 PM EDT / 7:00 PM CEST / 3:00 AM AEST Sept. 17[/b][b])[/b]. Thanks for your patience! [b]Times:[/b] [b]Thursday, September 16, 2021 PDT (UTC -7): 7:00 AM - 10:00 AM EDT (UTC -4): 10:00 AM - 1[b]:00 PM[/b] CEST (UTC +2): 4:00 PM - 7[b]:00 PM[/b] AEST (UTC +10): 12:00 AM (Sept. 17) - [b]3:00 AM (Sept. 17)[/b][/b] [list][*]What will be unavailable:[/*][list][*]All MapleStory game servers.[/*][/list][*]Changes and Updates:[list][*]Server Upkeep.[/*][*]Fixed the issue where Sand Dwarf did not have a correct answer on the Tower of Oz 49th floor. [/*][*]Fixed the issue where Blessing of Goo's Gift of Goo skill did not mention that the perk did not work when using the Arcane River Express Pass.[/*][*]Fixed the issue where Final Pact prevented Dark Knight characters from respawning properly. [/*][*]Fixed the issue where the Thread of Fate Ask request did not change after the daily reset. [/*][*][b][Updated September 15] [/b][strike]Fixed the issue where Blessing of Goo's Treasure of the Goo: Ursus II skill did not grant bonus mesos during Ursus Golden Time.[/strike][list][*][b][Updated September 16][/b] This issue was erroneously included in this maintenance post. It has been confirmed that Blessing of Goo's Treasure of the Goo: Ursus II skill correctly increases the base meso rate by 45% without issues as intended. [/*][/list][/*][*][b][Updated September 15][/b] Fixed the issue where certain players did not receive the Blessing of Goo skill points even after completing the Goo Island daily missions. Since the affected players missed out on the skill perks due to this issue, we've extended the Blessing of Goo skill duration [b]until October 5 at 11:59 PM UTC[/b] [list][*][b]Note:[/b] Blessing of Goo skill points will be reset for all players after the maintenance. Please remember to redistribute the obtained skill points to enjoy the perks once again.[b] [/b][/*][/list][/*][/list][/*][/list]