[b][Updated August 26 at 10:59 PM PDT] [/b]The maintenance has been completed! We have extended Cash Shop items for 5 hours. Please make sure to restart your Nexon Launcher or Steam to make sure that you get the latest client.  [b][Updated August 26 at 9:53 PM PDT] [/b]We will be extending the maintenance for about 1 hour to verify the final checks before opening the servers. Thank you for your patience. We will be performing an unscheduled major patch on[b] Thursday[b], August 26, 2021 at 6:00 PM PDT (9[b]:00 PM[/b] EDT / 3[b]:00 AM [/b]CEST August 27 / 11[b]:00 AM [/b][/b][b]AEST August 27).[/b][/b] We anticipate the maintenance to last approximately 4 hours, concluding around [b]10[/b][b]:00 PM [/b][b]PDT (1[b]:00 AM[/b] EDT August 27 / 7[b]:00 AM [/b]CEST August 27 / 3[b]:00 P[/b]M AEST August 27)[/b]. Thanks for your patience! [b]Times:[/b] [b]Thursday, August 26, 2021 PDT (UTC -7): 6[b]:00 PM - 10:00 PM[/b] EDT (UTC -4): 9[b]:00 PM - 1:00 AM (August 27)[/b] CEST (UTC +2): 3[b]:00 AM (August 27) - 7:00 AM [b](August 27)[/b][/b] AEST (UTC +10): 11[b]:00 AM [b](August 27)[/b] - 3:00 PM [b](August 27)[/b][/b][/b] [list][*]What will be unavailable:[/*][list][*]All MapleStory game servers.[/*][/list][*]Changes and Updates (Additional Changes TBA): [list][*]MapleStory will be updated to v.226.1.0[/*][*]Fixed the issue where certain monsters and bosses caused the client to disconnect or crash. Some of the issues include but are not limited to the following:[list][*]Fixed the issue where Commanding Elite Monster caused the client to crash. [/*][*]Fixed the issue where entering certain Pollo and Fritto portals caused the client to crash.[/*][*][b][Updated August 26] [/b]Fixed the issue where Will Boss caused the client to crash.[/*][*][b][Updated August 26] [/b]Fixed the issue where Gatekeeper caused the client to crash.[/*][*][b][Updated August 26] [/b]Fixed the issue where Thanatos caused the client to crash.[/*][*][b][Updated August 26] [/b]Fixed the issue where Lyka caused the client to crash.[/*][*][b][Updated August 26] [/b]Fixed the issue where Stone Goblin Guardian caused the client to crash.[/*][*][b][b][Updated August 26][/b] [/b]Fixed the issue where Omega Nenne caused the client to crash.[/*][*][b][Updated August 26] [/b]Fixed the issue where client would crash during Gloom Boss fight when the platforms would recede.[/*][*][b][Updated August 26] [/b]Fixed the issue where client would crash on Floor 29 of Mu Lung Dojo.[/*][*][b][Updated August 26] [/b]Fixed the issue where client would crash when taking damage from chain attack during Black Mage Phase 1.[/*][*][b][Updated August 26] [/b]Fixed the issue where client would crash when the timer hits 27:13 during Verus Hilla Boss fight.[/*][*][b][Updated August 26][/b] Fixed the issue where client would crash when Miroku used his Cage pattern.[/*][/list][/*][*]Fixed the issue where entering the following maps caused the client to crash.[list][*]Ludibrium: Warped Passage[/*][*]Ludibrium: Forgotten Passage[/*][*]Road to Oblivion 5[/*][/list][/*][*]Fixed the issue where sometimes the servers crashed.[/*][*]Fixed the issue where certain Goo Island events had severe lag problems. [/*][*]Fixed the issue where sometimes players would not receive the additional Goo Bubbles as ranking rewards after the Goo Battle ended. [/*][*][b][Updated August 26] [/b]Fixed the issue where Mesos could be dropped in Great Goo Tree. [/*][*][b][Updated August 26] [/b]Fixed the issue where the Giga-Goo Assault invitation was only being sent during 10:00 AM - 11:45 PM UTC.[/*][*][b][Updated August 26] [/b]Fixed the issue where multiple Will attack patterns were missing. [/*][*][b][Updated August 26][/b] Fixed the issue where Mark Your Miracle Time event cube icon remained on the left side of the screen.[/*][*][b][Updated August 26][/b] Fixed the issue where Blessing of Goo's Gift of the Goo skill incorrectly granted x2 Arcane Symbols, when it should have been +2 Arcane Symbols.[/*][*][b][Updated August 26] Note:[/b] Nodestones obtained from Goo Gachapon and Neo Stone Shop will be temporarily disabled while we further investigate the issue with the item obtainment. We apologize for the inconvenience.[list][*][b][Updated August 27][/b] Nodestones were temporarily disabled while we were investigating an issue, however, it has now been re-enabled.[/*][/list][/*][/list][/*][/list]