[img]https://nxcache.nexon.net/cms/2022/q1/2343/msw-5951-220318-all-cm-april-fools-stream-overlays-header-940x290.png[/img] Join all of the Nexon Community Managers as they come together to celebrate April Fools' Day! But beware, an [i]impostor[/i][b] [/b]may be among us.. Join us on any of the platforms listed below this [b]Friday[/b][b], April 1st at 1:00 PM PDT (4:00 PM EDT)[/b]. Giveaways will take place throughout the stream! Don't miss out on the fun. [b]See you Friday![/b] April Fools' Day Livestream will be available on the following platform: [list][*][url=https://www.twitch.tv/maplestory]Twitch[/url][/*][/list]