[img]https://nxcache.nexon.net/cms/2023/q4/2049/wgc-437-231122-6th-job-available-in-post-banner-1100x225.jpg[/img] After the long Journey Toward the Sixth Star, 6th Job is finally available now!

[b]6th Job[/b]

[list][*]As the boundary between Maple World and Grandis is sundered, a new form of Erda has been unleashed. Taming this new power will do more than save the goddesses of the two worlds: it will unlock skills never seen before in either land.[/*][*][b]Requirement: [/b]Lv. 260 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Character must have completed the ‘[Convergence] True Form’ quest, ‘5th Job: Record of Power’ quest, and 5th Job Advancement.[/*][*]The wait is over! [b]6th Job Advancement[/b] can be started by accepting the ‘[6th Job] Merged Dimension’ quest within the lightbulb notifier on the left side of the screen. [list][*][b]Reminder:[/b] Your character must meet the following requirements to start the 6th Job Advancement: [list][*]Lv. 260 and above[/*][*]Completed the ‘[Convergence] True Form’ and ‘5th Job: Record of Power’ quests[/*][*]Completed 5th Job Advancement[/*][/list][/*][*]While proceeding with the 6th Job Advancement quests, you can talk to Moco on the map to exit mid-way.[/*][*]You can return and continue where you left off with the 6th Job Advancement by accepting the ‘[6th Job] Continue with the Job Advancement’ quest within the lightbulb icon.[/*][/list][/*][*]As you progress through the quests, you’ll receive the following quest items. You must activate the stones and defeat monsters near your level (20 levels below and 20 levels above) to fill each of them with EXP. Once you complete each quest, you will receive EXP as a reward. [list][*]My Arcane Stone[/*][*]Vanishing Journey Stone[/*][*]Chu Chu Island Stone[/*][*]Lachelein Stone[/*][*]Arcana Stone[/*][*]Morass Stone[/*][*]Esfera Stone[/*][/list][/*][*]Upon completing the 6th Job Advancement, you will gain access to [b]Hexa Matrix[/b] and activate your [b]Skill Node[/b].[/*][*]The following 6th Job-related quests have been added: [list][*][6th Job] Merged Dimension[/*][*][6th Job] An Erda That Didn't Exist Before[/*][*][6th Job] Goddess Inside Erda (1)[/*][*][6th Job] The Faint Voice[/*][*][6th Job] Goddess Inside Erda (2)[/*][*][6th Job] Whose Voice Is It?[/*][*][6th Job] Goddess Inside Erda (3)[/*][*][6th Job] Into the Sol Erda[/*][*][6th Job] A New Age[/*][*][6th Job] Collect the Vanishing Journey Symbol[/*][*][6th Job] Collect the Chu Chu Island Symbol[/*][*][6th Job] Collect the Lachelein Symbol[/*][*][6th Job] Collect the Arcana Symbol[/*][*][6th Job] Collect the Morass Symbol[/*][*][6th Job] Collect the Esfera Symbol[/*][*][6th Job] A New Power[/*][*][6th Job] HEXA Matrix[/*][/list][/*][/list] [b]Reward:[/b] [list][*][b]EXP[/b][/*][/list]

[b]Hexa Matrix[/b]

[b]Requirement: Lv. 260 and above (Zero characters must have completed up to Chapter 2). Character must have completed the 6th Job Advancement.[/b] [list][*]The Hexa Matrix will allow you to improve the skills that you've been relying on for years, granting them brand new effects! Gain new strength as you infuse this power into your entire arsenal of abilities![/*][*]Complete the 6th Job Advancement to access the Hexa Matrix via your Skill UI under the “VI” tab.[/*][*]Hexa Matrix has 2 different system types: [b]Hexa Skills[/b] and [b]Hexa Stats[/b]. [list][*][b]Hexa Skills[/b] [list][*]Hexa Skill Nodes consist of the following: [list][*][b]Skill Node:[/b] New Origin skill will be given once activated[/*][*][b]Mastery Node:[/b] 4th Job or lower skill will either be enhanced or replaced once activated[/*][*][b]Boost Node:[/b] 5th Job skill will be enhanced once activated[/*][*][b]Common Node:[/b] New skill that is shared between characters of the same class will be given once activated. Common Nodes will be available at a later date, so stay tuned![/*][/list][/*][*]Skill Node for the job will be activated upon the completion of the 6th Job Advancement.[/*][*]Hexa Skill Nodes can be enhanced up to Rank 30. Once the node is enhanced, the skill that is affected by the node will also level up.[/*][*]Mastery Nodes and Boost Nodes can be activated when certain 5th Job skills reach a specific level, not counting the slot enhancement levels. [list][*]If the skill requirement of the skill that is being activated is no longer met due to unequipping or extracting the V Node, the Hexa Skill Node will be deactivated and the new skill given through the Hexa Skill Node will no longer be available.[/*][/list][/*][/list][/*][*][b]Hexa Stats[/b] [list][*]Hexa Stats are stats that can be obtained and enhanced through Hexa Stat Nodes.[/*][*]Hexa Stats consist of the following stats: [list][*]Critical Damage[/*][*]Boss Damage[/*][*]Ignore Defense[/*][*]Damage[/*][*]Attack Power & Magic ATT[/*][*]STR/DEX/INT/LUK[/*][/list][/*][*]There are a total of six Hexa Stat Nodes and one can be activated starting with this v.246 update. The rest of the Hexa Stat Nodes will be added at a later date.[/*][*]You can set one [b]Main Stat[/b] with a higher value and two [b]Additional Stats[/b] with a lower value per each Hexa Stat Node. [list][*]You can set one type of stat once within all Hexa Stat Nodes [list][*][u][b]Ex:[/b] Boss Damage stat can only be set as a Main Stat for one of the six Hexa Stat Nodes[/u][/*][/list][/*][*]You can set up to two duplicate types of stats as Additional Stats within all Hexa Stat Nodes [list][*][u][b]Ex:[/b] Critical Damage stat can be set as one of the two Additional Stats on Stat Node #1 and Stat Node #2[/u][/*][/list][/*][*]You are unable to equip the same type of stats within the same Stat Node [list][*][u][b]Ex:[/b] If the Main Stat is set as DEF Ignore, the two Additional Stats have to be set among the five other stats[/u][/*][/list][/*][/list][/*][*]Hexa Stat Node can be enhanced up to Rank 20 and one of the three stats’ level will increase with a fixed rate per each rank-up attempt. [list][*]Each individual stat can be enhanced up to Rank 10.[/*][*]The higher the level of the Main Stat, the more [b]Sol Erda Fragments[/b] will be needed for each subsequent enhancement.[/*][*]The higher the level of the Main Stat, the more stats are granted.[/*][/list][/*][*]Once Hexa Stat Node has been enhanced to Rank 20, the enhancement can be saved. Though, be mindful of the following rules: [list][*]Certain functions, such as enhancing or resetting, will be disabled for saved nodes[/*][*]You can select one node that has been enhanced or a saved node to apply to a character[/*][*]If you attempt to save when there is already a saved node, the previously saved node information will be replaced[/*][/list][/*][*]Once Hexa Stat Node has been enhanced to Rank 10, its stat level can be reset using mesos. Hexa Stat Node rank and each individual stat level will reset to 0 afterward.[/*][*]You can also use mesos to reset the type of stats set on the Hexa Stat Node.[/*][*]The meso prices for changing stat type and resetting stat level on your Hexa Stat Node are the following: [list][*][b]Stat Type Change:[/b] 100 million mesos[/*][*][b]Hexa Stat Node Reset:[/b] 10 million mesos[/*][/list][/*][/list][/*][/list][/*][*]Hexa Skills and Hexa Stats can be activated or enhanced by using enhancement materials: [b]Sol Erda[/b] and [b]Sol Erda Fragment[/b]. [list][*][b][img]https://nxcache.nexon.net/cms/2023/q4/1533/sol-erda.png?width=39&height=37&mode=max[/img] Sol Erda[/b] [list][*]Sol Erda is used in the following ways: [list][*]Activate and enhance Hexa Skills[/*][*]Activate Hexa Stats[/*][/list][/*][*]Sol Erda can be obtained by earning [b]Sol Erda Energy[/b] after completing the 6th Job Advancement.[/*][*]You can earn Sol Erda Energy by the following methods: [list][*]Completing daily quests[/*][*]Defeating monsters in Sacred Powered Grandis areas[/*][*]Defeating the following bosses: [list][*]Lotus (Hard)[/*][*]Damien (Hard)[/*][*]Lucid (Hard)[/*][*]Will (Hard)[/*][*]Verus Hilla (Normal, Hard)[/*][*]Guardian Angel Slime (Chaos)[/*][*]Gloom (Chaos)[/*][*]Darknell (Hard)[/*][*]Black Mage (Hard, Extreme)[/*][*]Chosen Seren (Normal, Hard, Extreme)[/*][*]Kalos the Guardian (Chaos)[/*][*]Kaling (Normal)[/*][/list][/*][/list][/*][*]You can create 1 Sol Erda (untradeable) when you collect 1,000 Sol Erda Energy.[/*][*]Each character can have up to max 20 Sol Erda. If the character has 20 Sol Erda in their possession already, Sol Erda Energy will no longer drop for that character.[/*][/list][/*][*][b][img]https://nxcache.nexon.net/cms/2023/q4/1532/sol-erda-fragment.png[/img] Sol Erda Fragment[/b] [list][*]Sol Erda Fragment is used in the following ways: [list][*]Activate and enhance Hexa Skills[/*][*]Activate and enhance Hexa Stats[/*][/list][/*][*]Sol Erda Fragment can be obtained after completing the 6th Job Advancement. [list][*]You can earn Sol Erda Fragment by the following methods: [list][*]Completing daily quests[/*][*]Defeating monsters in Sacred Powered Grandis area[/*][/list][/*][/list][/*][*]Sol Erda Fragment is tradeable within account in Aurora, Bera, Elysium, Luna, and Scania worlds. It is untradeable in Reboot worlds.[/*][/list][/*][/list][/*][*]For characters that completed 6th Job Advancement, you will the following sources to earn Sol Erda Energy and Sol Erda Fragments: [list][*][b]Daily Quest[/b][list][*]You will be asked to defeat 3,000 monsters near your level (20 levels below and 20 levels above) in the Grandis area to complete the daily quest.[/*][*]Daily quests can be completed per character.[/*][*]Upon completing the daily quest, you can receive the following Daily Quest Rewards:[list][*][b]Sol Erda Energy (x600):[/b] Untradeable, 7-day duration.[/*][*][b]Sol Erda Fragment (x12):[/b] Tradeable within account, Permanent. (Item is untradeable in Reboot worlds.)[list][*][b]Sol Erda Fragments are given only once a day per world[/b]. After claiming the Sol Erda Fragment for the day, additional characters that complete the daily quest will only receive Sol Erda Energy.[/*][/list][/*][/list][/*][/list][/*][/list][/*][/list]

[b]6th Job Skills[/b]

To learn more about all the new 6th Job Skills, you can refer to the v246 Patch Notes [url=https://maplestory.nexon.net/news/86907/v-246-new-age-6th-job-patch-notes]here[/url]!