🕵️‍♂️ Hello, fellow detectives! 🌙 LumineNight will be participating in Korean Biggest Game Show G-STAR 2023! 🌟 The exhibition will run for 4 days, from 11/16 (Thu) to 11/19 (Sun) at the - Epic Games booth in Exhibition Hall 1 and - Indie Showcase booth on the 1st floor of Exhibition Hall 2. 💖 We also have goodies prepared, so we look forward to your visit!! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images/44542704/6be6bc6c05ef30ab13d8b3fc85bbd8d455994592.png[/img] Tweet [url=https://twitter.com/luminenight_en]@LumineNight_en[/url] and join [url=discord.gg/hFHCjqmmxK]Discord Channel[/url] to share the joy!