January has been a solid month for progress! I've been heads down on finishing up the minigames, so sorry for the lack of updates on socials! I'm so excited to say that I'm really happy with the minigames. I think I prototyped ~6 different minigames and unfortunately some ended up not being very fun. But, now I’ve finalized 3 new minigames + 1 pseudo minigame that I'm happy with! We’re planning on doing some internal playtesting soon, and I hope to share the new minigames once we’ve polished them up! A lot of development time is currently being used for polishing and adding quality-of-life features! Unfortunately, that means I don’t have as much “fun” stuff to show off, but I know that all this polish time will help create a better experience overall. I’ve also gotten a lot better at designing UI over time, so I have been going back to older menus to fix those up! I know some of the menus in the current demo aren’t the best, but don’t worry - they’re fixed up now 🙂 I also plan to have an updated demo out before the release, so stay tuned for that! Here's a sneak peek of Apollo’s room: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41591309/8316e0e8a72cce54bec2e9a90f57d6cc1a15694f.gif[/img] It also features decoration mode, if you haven’t seen it yet! It allows you to switch which items the residents put up in their room. You’ll also be able to decorate the common rooms with items from your inventory if you’d like. Thanks for your patience and for all your support! - Jennifer