I find it funny when I tell people I was inspired by Fire Emblem for Love, Ghostie. The general reaction I get is “huh?” but let me explain. Fire Emblem is a tactical JRPG in a fantasy setting, so what does that have to do with matchmaking and romance? My first Fire Emblem game was Three Houses and I started playing it for the tactical combat system, but I found myself falling in love with the characters and their support talks. If you haven’t played any of the Fire Emblem games before, support talks are conversations between two characters where you get to learn more about each character. You'll see the struggles they go through and watch them grow over time. If two characters reach a high enough support level, they can end up together. I love the Fire Emblem community because there is so much discussion, fan art, etc. around people’s favorite “ships.” It really got me thinking though - why aren’t there more “shipping” or matchmaking games? The other big inspiration comes from Animal Crossing, which you can probably tell just by looking at the residents: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41591309/51a000ca8794ac5c3414a465a70401a7286c4f5a.png[/img] But it’s a bit more than just the character designs. In Animal Crossing, you can give gifts to your villagers and each villager has a personality type, hobbies, styles, favorite colors, etc. In Love, Ghostie, you can give gifts to residents as well, but the gifts will say they’re from another resident! Items have tags associated with them and you will have to discover which tags residents love! You’ll learn more about residents through their rooms, their diary entries, and their relationship talks with other residents. If you’re a fan of Fire Emblem, let me know what your favorite ship is! If you’re a fan of Animal Crossing, who’s your favorite villager? And finally, make sure to wishlist Love, Ghostie if you haven’t yet! It helps us out a ton!