LOST INSIDE is a non-traditional, character-focused, action-adventure RPG about a human child who stumbles their way into the Spirit World. On their way home, the child comes to learn that this Spirit World is the home of countless friendly monsters who have been waiting for a prophesized hero to come and rescue them from a mysterious curse.
Filled with whacky adventures, this first entry in a 3-act episodic series, has the player track down the very first energy stone that has been scattered inside the Lost World.
((*What can you do in LOST INSIDE?))
You will get to explore a tower that's made out of chocolate?...
You will partake in a cooking segment where you'll get to bake chocolate?
Seriously, you actually get to bake chocolate...
And so much more!!
ENTERING / EXITING FULLSCREEN - Alt + ENTER keys MOVEMENT - Arrow/WASD keys or Dpad or Joystick INTERACTING - Z key or A button SWING SPELL - X key or B button OPENING A MENU - C key or START button CLOSING A MENU - X key or X button
Thank you so much for finding the time to check out my game. I’ve poured a lot of time & energy into this act.