[previewyoutube=-YinNbfBFFY;full][/previewyoutube] [h1]Boss Rush[/h1] This was one of the promised stretch goals from when the Kickstarter was running! This mode exists in the Astral Nexus and can be accessed once you have fought all bosses atleast once. (Except one secret boss). The Boss Rush has 3 new bosses you can fight, two of them being variants of previous bosses. There are also 2 new bosses outside of the Boss Rush mode which originally never made it into the game due to time restraints. One of them being a boss that grants you the Ground-Bounce ability and the other being a boss you fight before you can complete the Abandonment Ending. [h1]Changes to Combat[/h1] Various changes and re-balancing has been made to combat! One of the bigger complaints and feedback the game has received is how spongey and annoying enemies can be in this game. So what I've made is that I've made the sword upgrades much more effective! Maximum damage for the sword is now 34 dmg per swing with no relic equipped. What I did is also that I slowed down the sword swing a bit, this was mainly to remove the feeling of having to button mash to do maximum damage. I think it feels nicer now. This should also make it so it's WAY easier to kill generic mobs when exploring late-game. Enemies also stay dead for 6 room transitions now :)! Spells have been re-balanced and some of them re-sized to be bigger so they are easier to hit enemies with. Gone is the spell equipping limit of 4 too! You can now equip all your spells if you want. The spell-stones you could find now just increase your spell damage instead. [h1]And much more...[/h1] I could write about every single change in this update, I'll summarize instead. I've done my best to try to improve the game as much as possible based on the feedback it's received and what I've felt were flaws in the game design. Everything is still not perfect and some stuff can't be fixed... Like the amount of buttons needed for all abilities, I did however combine the pause menu and inventory so the default bind for switching spells can be moved to the 'Select' button. This will likely be the last bigger update to Lone Fungus before I go full-time onto other projects :). It's possible new bugs were introduced in this update or that something is inconsistent with the rest. I'll ofcourse fix anything reported post this update, so let me know if something broke! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40815655/563e0f831f28906724eeecaa1dd47d8cc323f52e.png[/img] As some of you know, Lone Fungus 2 has been in development meanwhile! Please do check out the Steam page and wishlist the game, you can also try the demo! [h1][url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/2463220/Lone_Fungus_2/]WISHLIST Lone Fungus 2![/url][/h1] There will also be a Kickstarter for the second game this summer, which you can follow here: [h1][url=https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/620777061/lone-fungus-2]FOLLOW Lone Fungus 2 on Kickstarter![/url][/h1] Hopefully the game will get funded :)! Other than that keep your lookout for this in the near future : [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40815655/ec4a2fdcf2897578287d9d90a25458657b847c03.jpg[/img] Thank you so much everyone for playing Lone Fungus and giving your feedback! 1.1.0 FULL Changelog: - BOSS RUSH - Three new bosses - Two new alternative versions of previous bosses - Boss re-fight nexus - Increased the damage gained from sharpened stones - Boss Max HP will scale with the amount of sharpening stones you have picked up - Lowered the HP of all bosses slightly - New Menus, unified the Pause and Inventory - You can 'Lower' down to Custom and you can change your Custom save settings - 4 New Time Trials have been added - Improved the time trials timer - Lowered the brain node cost of many relics - Slowed down Greencaps overall general attack speed - Only the fast slash relic changes Greencaps attack speed - Changed the order of Ladybugs rewards - Made it so menu inputs change based on last input pressed (won't lock keyboard menus if controller is connected) - Boosted the damage of parried projectiles - Increased Fire Bounce damage - You can equip all spells now and spells will auto equip when you get them - Spell Stones now increase spell damage by a % each - You just need to find all Astral Gates to get 100% - Added a controller button prompt setting (can change from xbox to playstation, switch buttons) - The Watchers attacks are no longer random (they cycle) - Acid Crawler Queen re-work - Tweaks to Red Crawler Queen - Tweaks to Huge Wallclinger - Rebalanced Sword damage relics - Dying in the boss rush mode / boss practice mode while in Nightmare will not remove your save - Added a Save-shrine in the Nexus - Added a Silver-Shrine in the Hidden Passageway - Implemented so enemies won't respawn in rooms instantly (8 room trasitions cooldown) - The all seeing eye will do a prompt when there is a secret hidden in the room - You will see all the pins when selecting a pin color - Boost Projectile has been made a bit bigger, has a longer lifespan and flies slower upwards - Acid Hammer has been made bigger - Spicy Nut projectiles are bigger and have narrower spread - Returning Contraption has been made a bit bigger - Increased Mindshrooms effectiveness - Added so you see how much MP spells cost when cast - Added missing console commands