[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40815655/fd63cab3e8be6076caf8fa3dd3ee373d8e07fff0.png[/img] Implemented some more stuff I've seen people request! Yet again, thanks for the feedback! There will be more QoL features coming soon! Also, thank those who've joined the discord and have been reporting bugs! There's always a small chance when I'm implementing something new that a bug pops up, so I appreciate anyone who runs into them letting me know so I can squash em as fast as possible! Changelog: - Added a 'Hold to Bounce' option (Exists only in the Main Menu Settings atm) - Made it so the map will auto update after death - The Astral Nexus will be marked on the map - Changed the equip cost of Double Shot to 24 - Changed the equip cost of Barry to 16 and increase the speed of his projectile a tiny bit - Fixed being able to down slash while in the Ice Block - Fixed All Seeing Eye triggering on that one place in Corrupted Tunnels even though you have found the secret - Fixed a bug where the percentage counter would say 100.4% (1.0.7 bug) - Fixed the All Seeing Eye not detecting the hidden passageway in Deep Grotto that leads to the tablet - Fixed the All Seeing Eye not detecting the hidden passageway in Deep Grotto that leads to Steady Body - Changed so the Green Viewing eye won't flash the screen white when removing it - Fixed a bug where pressing Escape or the Menu button while in the Green Viewing Eye would open the pause menu - Possible fix for some bugs related to pins - Made it so Spin Slashing works by pressing the alternative down slash button - Fixed being able to Dash while inside of Mush-Holders, essentially accidentally wasting your dash - Fixed a bug where the game would not launch in the set windowed size - Made it so Bosses dying will fill your HP (lowering the chance of accidental death on spikes post-win) - Fixed stuff like Signs, Teleportation Crystals and Tutorials being opened while the game was paused - Updated and rewrote some practice room signs - Fixed that you are floating when in Ice Block - Added SFX to Ice block