[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40815655/7aeb01de0a0ac7ed0224352ced98b234541e5363.png[/img] This is one of the biggest lore updates some have been waiting for! First of all note that some statues that had dialogue before might not have it in this update, this is because they have been temporarily removed. However the statues that have dialogue have all been rewritten and most of them have unique voices too! The Grand Librarian has a ton of stuff he will say to questions Greencap has about the world. Greencaps questions will also grow as you discover things and beat bosses, so far the only two dynamic new questions you get are for the Screw King boss and Queen Evil Eye, more to be added in the next upcoming update. That said, I can say that the development of the final boss of the game has begun behind the scenes, not something that is in the game yet but will most likely be in the next big update somewhere next month hopefully! Lots of exciting stuff will be coming to the game in the next few months, my hope is to finish 1.0 somewhere in March or April, I have a lot of work ahead of me but I'll be working really hard to achieve this :). Thanks everyone [b]Changelog:[/b] - All dialogues have been re-written with a new dialogue system and voice acting - Castlevania-style Enemy names plates added - You can fully skip boss dialogues by pressing ESC/Pause button - Color Caverns visual re-work - Dialogue given to Queen Evil Eye - New Main Menu graphics - Changed a bit how the Bounce Flowers in Grotto behave, they will lock your direction for a very short amount time - This directional lock can be canceled by pressing Jump - This same auto-direction is applied to wall-bounces but for a longer period - Fixed the Signs in the Fire Bounce practice room - Warrior Statue re-made - Magus Statue re-made (Pausing won't break the boss) - Rogue Armadillo re-made - Disabled some dialogues until new ones are written (Fire Oracle, Face in the Wall and some more...) - Fixed a bug where hitting a Mushmover while on the ground would not give the right upwards acceleration - Fixed the Mind Slash fx staying on screen sometimes - Fixed the Saveslot highlight being misaligned - Changed it so you can't get to Rogue Armadillo by just jumping (QF skip still works) - New 'Game Saved' and 'Map Updated' gfx - Improved parallax in some rooms - Fixed so bosses in Mossy Ruins can't be hurt before initiating the fight - Fixed so Barry won't shoot at those targets either - Some small tweaks to Ice Physics - Might have fixed the bug where you end up in the left corner of the screen in Astral Rooms - Improved bloom effects on HP and mushmovers - Experimental changes to vertically moving platforms in hope it fixes the 'fall through' issue - The player light will turn red if you have 1HP - More SFX tweaks and new sounds - New look for the Evil Eye enemies to match the boss - You can't open the inventory while dialogues are open - The screen will go black when you die - Mindshrooms will now reduce the costs a bit more - Improved hit detection on enemies (hitting enemies with multiple attacks was bugged)