[h2]Additions[/h2] [list] [*] First Kickstarter custom face added. [*] Added names to the credits. [*] Added 321 countdown that plays at the beginning of each match. [*] Added a final achievement (Ultimate Robot - Unlock all other achievements). [*] The Grappling Hook part now lets you control its movement! See what it does to pool balls for an extra surprise! [*] The Post-Battle Screen has been completely renovated. [/list] [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed an issue where mouse click inputs would highlight categories in the Settings menu, but not properly shift to the highlighted category’s submenu [*] Lava now properly rises and falls on Pyro Plunge when hazards are enabled [*] Fixed a hazard collider on Dynamic Depot that could perpetually trap robots [/list] [h2]Find a bug or issue?[/h2] Report problems with the game on our [url=https://discord.gg/5fuyqb2rgD]Discord[/url]!