[h2]Additions[/h2] [list] [*] You can now return to Player Select from the Controller Disconnect menu (this solves soft-lock situations during Steam Remote Play sessions) [*] Can now go back in menus by holding B (Xbox) or Circle (Playstation) [*] Loading screen now has tips & tricks [*] Loading screen added between starting the game from the main menu and Player Select (this should greatly improve animated transitions on lower end systems) [*] Players on the same team can no longer choose the same face [/list] [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed an unfair spawning position on Pyro Plunge [*] Increased Billiards Brawl minimum camera distance [*] Improved Grappling Hook’s interactions with explosive barrels [*] Game time is now properly paused during Steam Remote Play disconnects [*] Fixed a bug preventing players from moving in the end-of-match screen after using the Propeller Hat [/list] [h2]Find a bug or issue?[/h2] Report problems with the game on our [url=https://discord.gg/5fuyqb2rgD]Discord[/url]!