Author: Chet,
published 11 years ago,
We have released the first of the Resident Evil 6 replacement creatures into the L4D2 workshop. You can have Napad replace the current Tank skin by simply going to its Workshop page and clicking subscribe. Why subscribe instead of download? Because if we make an update to the skin, everyone instantly gets the new updated version. By subscribing, you will always have the latest version.
If you check the Resident Evil 6 tab on the Workshop, you can see a few of the very first of the RE6 entries. Is anyone surprised Splinks was already working on some? The best entries will be included in a special Resident Evil 6 collection and might even get a few goodies thrown their way.
Past that, testing is continuing on both the Left 4 Dead 2 version of Linux and the Beta version of L4D2 which includes our new Extended Mutation System. Both are testing well and the team is embracing 8 hour days of play testing.
The artwork used for this blog post was created by AgentGraven. You can check it and other community created art in the Artwork tab.