Healing Gnome There is only one way to heal, holding the Gnome! This Coop game is all about the Gnome and his magical healing properties. There is only one way to heal and that is by holding the Gnome. Better share him with your teammates! Mutations We asked, would you like the next set of Mutations to be the top 4 by player minutes? 4-1 you said yes. So what are the top 4? Starting next Mutation you are going to find out. Cold Stream When is Cold Stream coming out? It depends. We have asked the PC community to help us test the DLC before it is released. Just today they start testing on Blood Harvest. Based on their feedback we are making adjustments to the campaigns and removing any exploitable areas. We will continue testing the campaigns and then assembling them for official release later this Summer. First Reaction The inevitable Zombie Apocalypse hits your town. What’s your first reaction? Do you hole up where you are or risk it and go look for friends?