Today we've put out a major update for KILLMAGE that re-balances a few enemies and staffs, adds a new mini-boss, and adds a leaderboard to the Steam version! [img][/img] [b]Additions:[/b] [list] [*] added Steam leaderboard support [*] added a changelog [*] added guaranteed Mass of Souls to spawn at the start of the second loop [*] added a new Twisted variant for the duration of the third loop [*] added a rare dog secret [*] added a few sound effects [*] added a few smaller graphical assets [/list] [b]Changes:[/b] [list] [*] changed "highscores" in the compendium to "highscores - local" [*] changed the interaction prompt in the compendium to be more clear [*] changed jumping height and responsiveness to be more consistent [*] changed the Twisted to no longer move towards the player [*] changed the Immortal's projectile attack to start with a small delay [*] changed staff projectiles to correctly align with FOV [*] changed the Mass of Souls to be bouncier [*] changed the Hidden to now possibly hover above the player [*] changed the blood staff to do extra damage after projectile bounce [*] changed some UI layouts [*] slightly reduced possible extra spawns in subsequent loops for Accursed [*] adjusted a the aggression of enemies in subsequent loops [*] adjusted a few smaller visual effects [/list] [b]Fixes:[/b] [list] [*] fixed time based stats & events scaling with hyper mode [*] fixed the Immortal's death animation looping with hyper mode [*] fixed possibly not being able to skip intro scene with controller [/list] [img][/img] [i][b]Thank you everyone for the support, we probably won't be putting out more updates for KILLMAGE as its a pretty simple game as is and we are busy working on our next game, have a great day![/b][/i] [img][/img]