Knights, Carnage is drawing near! We are hard at work getting KILL KNIGHT ready for release on October 3, and have pulled some demonic intel from the depths of the void on three of the most threatening demons you’ll be facing throughout your descent through the Abyssal Keep. [h2][b]PURSUER III[/b][/h2] [table equalcells=1] [tr] [th]Offensive Type[/th] [th]Projectiles[/th] [th]Health[/th] [/tr] [tr] [td]Melee + Ranged Offense[/td] [td]Wicked[/td] [td]800 + Demonic Carapace[/td] [/tr] [/table] [img] [/img] [b]“PURSUER III” [/b]is the most relentless demon in the Abyss. Dropping from above, it will sprint directly at the Kill Knight to get in range for a deadly Demonic Pulse Attack. If the Kill Knight manages to Pulse Counter the attack, the danger only escalates as it gains speed and damage ferocity. Spawning with a combination of Demonic Carapace, Demonic Pulse Attacks, and a Weakpoint that can only be revealed via a successful Pulse Countering, the PURSUER III is always a force to be reckoned with and will ruin many a descent. [h3][b]Attacks:[/b][/h3] [b]Demonic Pulse Attack:[/b] PURSUER III leaps from a distance to deliver a crushing blow, dealing huge damage. This attack can be Pulse Countered, exposing the Weakpoint. [b]Barrage Fire: [/b]If the initial strike misses, PURSUER III will begin firing a series of alternating Wicked Projectiles that must be avoided. [img][/img] [h3][b]Knight Strategium:[/b][/h3] Considering the array of offensive options the PURSUER III can attack with, it’s important that Knights prioritize stopping the demon in its tracks as quickly as possible. Fire Wrath Bursts to Detonate the Demonic Carapace and gain Health Shards, then allow the enemy to launch a Demonic Pulse Attack. Once Pulse Countered, destroy the Weakpoint, then dash in for a flawless Execution, gaining maximum Carnage points. [h2][b]GHAST III[/b][/h2] [table equalcells=1] [tr] [th]Offensive Type[/th] [th]Projectiles[/th] [th]Health[/th] [/tr] [tr] [td]Melee + Ranged Offense[/td] [td]Normal + Homing[/td] [td]600[/td] [/tr] [/table] [img][/img] [b]"GHAST III" [/b]is a formidable demon, blending a tactical mind with offensive power. Its appearance is menacing, often supported with swarms of lesser demons which make taking it head on a challenge. While attacking, a Weakpoint is exposed from the GHAST IIIs chest, which if the Kill Knight can find a position to destroy it, can put an end to its frustrating avoidance. [h3][b]Attacks:[/b][/h3] [b]Teleport:[/b] GHAST III moves unpredictably across the battlefield, instantly teleporting from one location to another. Each time it teleports, it launches a barrage of Homing Projectiles that track the Kill Knight’s position, requiring fast reflexes and strategic movement to avoid. [b]Projectile Stream: [/b]When stationary, GHAST III unleashes a relentless stream of projectiles in a straight line. However, during this attack, its most vulnerable spot - a Weakpoint located in the chest - briefly becomes exposed. This moment offers a critical opportunity to inflict major damage, but players must act quickly before the Weakpoint is once again covered by its plating. [img][/img] [h3][b]Knight Strategium:[/b][/h3] Balance dodging the Homing Projectiles after each Teleport while seizing the moment to target the Weakpoint when GHAST III is attacking with Projectile Stream. Then find a gap in the swarm to trigger an Execution. It's a high-risk, high-reward encounter, where timing and positioning are key to success. [h2][b]QUAKER III[/b][/h2] [table equalcells=1] [tr] [th]Offensive Type[/th] [th]Projectiles[/th] [th]Health[/th] [/tr] [tr] [td]Charging Melee[/td] [td]Mortar + Homing + Laser[/td] [td]1200[/td] [/tr] [/table] [img][/img] [b]“QUAKER III”[/b] is a colossal demon, towering and relentless, built for brute force and devastation. Its monstrous size and durability make it a formidable challenge, with a health pool far exceeding most enemies. [h3][b]Attacks:[/b][/h3] [b]Unstoppable Charge: [/b]QUAKER III surges forward in a straight line, bulldozing anything in its path. As it charges, it unleashes Mortar Projectiles to its flanks, forcing players to navigate a barrage of explosives while staying out of its direct path. [b]Wall Impact:[/b] When QUAKER III slams into a wall or obstacle, it momentarily halts, but the impact triggers a deadly Ring Laser that spreads across the ground in all directions. This forces the Kill Knight to quickly dodge to avoid the devastating area-of-effect attack. [img][/img] [h3][b]Knight Strategium:[/b][/h3] QUAKER III has three glowing Weakpoints on its body, vulnerable to precise attacks. Destroying each Weakpoint temporarily stuns the demon, making it open to further damage. With every Weakpoint destroyed, QUAKER III releases a swarm of homing projectiles that relentlessly track the player, requiring quick manoeuvring to avoid. Once all three Weakpoints are obliterated, QUAKER III is fully stunned, leaving it open for a brief window where players can trigger an Execution with a final, lethal blow. - We hope this intel serves you well when KILL KNIGHT releases next month on October 3rd! The [b]KILL KNIGHT[/b] Team ————— [b]KILL KNIGHT[/b] is available to Wishlist on [url=]Steam[/url] now! 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