[h2]Hello Doppelgangers!![/h2] I've been hard at work on a great many things here, some I can and will discuss today, and others will have to remain for a better time! First off, I've sent out a new Beta Backers build for you to play, this time featuring the Sewers Zone, taking place immediately after the events of the Kickstarter demo (the previous beta backers build had content cut from that demo, and now we continue with content after that!) In there you will face many strange foes and meet friendly new faces, as Bobo races to the top of the Ziggurat, where the Satellite Tethys makes her domain. As this build features the first major bossfight in the game, I'm very excited for our beta backers to get their hands on it and provide us with feedback. Just as a reminder, [b]this build contains only the Sewers Zone[/b], so it will start you there on a fresh character that has been given a specific set of items and an amount of keys to spend on the Skeyll Tree. [b]Make sure to equip yourself fully and fill out the Skeyll Tree[/b], as otherwise you will likely be too weak to take on the enemies of this Zone. This build also contains Class Headgear for the first time, so[b] make sure and get those equipped by going to the Hardware menu[/b] and pressing the following button: PC - V key, Xbox - Y Button, Playstation - Triangle button. Beta backers should already have received an email with instructions on how to get their hands on the demo, and once again, if you have not received these emails, and you have backed the game on a tier which includes Beta Build Access, please contact us here or through Discord to get that situation resolved. I will be sending out a reminder email as well as a feedback form next week, so for now, just enjoy the build over the weekend! Meanwhile, for the rest of you guys, here are some of the things we have been working on over the last two months: [h2][b]Skeyll Tree changes:[/b][/h2] The Unlock Weapon Talents have been changed into Weapon Specialization talents which give you a different boost in power, depending on the class you've chosen. This increases the amount of possibly synergy after unlocking your second Skeyll Tree as classes have access to a wider range of weapons, for example you can benefit from Samurai Polearm Specialization when using Juggernaut's Harpoon weapon if you choose to go down the Daimyo route of the Skeyll Tree. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38017867/d35009565fa955bb16b972390eedcef2d79e1fe5.png[/img] [h2][b]Class Headgear:[/b][/h2] More Class Gear has been added recently, this is the kind of customization I wanted to have in from the started, but it has taken a while to get everything ready. Both Bobo and Rocket can now equip and show off their respective Class Headgear. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38017867/8f17f814dc87f354be5e34d0683689a99125acf3.png[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38017867/2ea02f50049fcdd85c8cd948209dcb66e8021e50.png[/img] [h2][b]Orbital Resonant Bossfights:[/b][/h2] [url=https://ksr-ugc.imgix.net/assets/040/125/229/9b10c5e2152b497d903233071140f0c0_original.gif?ixlib=rb-4.0.2&w=700&fit=max&v=1677878826&gif-q=50&q=92&s=c349ff5ec5ed9eca605f1c4918d1e2b5][img]https://ksr-ugc.imgix.net/assets/040/125/229/9b10c5e2152b497d903233071140f0c0_original.gif?ixlib=rb-4.0.2&w=700&fit=max&v=1677878826&gif-q=50&q=92&s=c349ff5ec5ed9eca605f1c4918d1e2b5[/img][/url] The clash against the Satellites Tethys and Mimas represents the first time Bobo goes up against a fully powered Asura and her Daeva, locked in the Perfect Orbital Resonance that defines their power and superiority as the Rulers of Saturn. This special bond is a defining element to these fights as the Satellites are thought to be invincible during their dance.. ..but are they really? [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38017867/2efd41112800da9e8a39da4e74de447d02d3fe31.png[/img] Tethys and Mimas is a multi-phase behemoth of an event, and the choices available to you during the fight will carry on through the rest of the game. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38017867/d98f234de656ff1a15b3ebe09a5b110667175c8f.gif[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38017867/0eb0543a8916972614e3c307cf304a5e05630f3b.gif[/img] In addition to all of the above, we've also finalized our planning for the remainder of the game's Zones, implemented most gameplay mechanics, and made some adjustments to AI and gameplay pacing to create more interesting battles overall. That's everything for now, next time I will have more to talk about regarding Soundwave City, and hopefully a new build as well! Until then, Nana.