[h2]Hello Doppelgangers!![/h2] [b]Keylocker has a new demo out on Steam with difficulty alterations taking into consideration P L A Y E R F E E D B A C K look how N I C E we ARE[/b] (download the demo again to get the update, it won't show as a new update on the demo you currently have), with alterations taking into consideration player feedback for difficulty! Additionally, if you're having issues with the demo not updating, click add to library on the store page for the demo! [b]Changes are as follows:[/b] [list] [*] The prologue defaults to soft punk, difficulty selection is at the start of chapter 1 instead, you can still choose a different difficulty during the prologue section by altering that on the menu. [*] There's an added pause between turns to make it easier to see who's turn it is. [*] There's an added pause when counters happen. [*] Samurai and Sequencer had their blocking windows increased to be in line with Hacker and Juggernaut. [*] Some enemy timings and attacks were adjusted including shield clericopter counter and the fabricator (chainsaw bot). [*] Tara's complete animated intro for the game is introduced, you can see it between the prologue and the beginning of Scrapyard Zone. [*] Dialogue in the Prologue and Scrapyard Zone has been revised, colored and proofread to be ready for launch! [*] Multiple engine optimizations have been added to hopefully give players on lower hardware a better experience. [*] Tutorial Items have been added throughout the game with quick explanations about in-game mechanics. [/list] This is the closest to the final game it will get since we sent our final release build already, any adjustments we do in the future will be focused on further areas, with player feedback. [b]Also, extremely important:[/b] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38017867/2e6153c3e3c3f605584acc724e9a33d84d77f10e.png[/img] [h3]⚠️ PLEASE VOTE FOR KEYLOCKER ON THE GAME MAKER AWARDS ⚠️ [/h3] We're against a really tough opponent that already won last year, I don't know why they're being put there against smaller developers again, please vote for us so we can have a shot of winning! [url=https://gamemaker.io/pt-BR/blog/gamemaker-awards-2024-voting]https://gamemaker.io/pt-BR/blog/gamemaker-awards-2024-voting[/url] That's everything from me, see you all on September 18!! Nana