Hey, card sharks! The first big content update for Kardboard Kings is now live! We've got three new card sets, eight new decorations and a host of bugfixes all come in our first big content update for Kardboard Kings. The new sets are each done by a new slate of guest artists (who absolutely knock it out of the park, by the by) and will seamlessly add themselves into your current save or a brand new file. Either way works! Same thing will happen with the eight new decorations, these ones coming entirely through Declan's weekly shop goals. Be on the lookout for those exclusives! As a note for any achievement hunters out there, all achievements referencing card sets (such as collecting a shiny of every card in the game) will be updated in 0.6.3 to require the new card sets as well. We've got more plans for more features in the next big update (especially to help players in the deep late game with huge card collections) so you can bet I'll be showing that off in the not-too-distant future as well. Check out the full patch notes: Features: [list] [*] Added 3 new card sets to the game, [i]Hell of a Summer[/i], [i]Legends of Morthia[/i] and [i]Oasis of the Unreal[/i]. [*] Added 8 new decorations to Declan's weekly shop goals rewards. [*] Added a small UI counter to show the number of cards in a player's inventory. [/list] Bug fixes: [list] [*] Added missing localised lines. [*] Fixed alignment of various Set Posters. [*] Fixed Mail issue caused by receiving multiple handwritten letters on a single day. [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38062682/849d49ad9fe0827495d02696d5c44b5614de5106.png[/img]