Kardboard Kings - 0.5.8 Patch Notes
Author: [AG] Buddy,
published 2 years ago,
Hey, Card Sharks!
We’re pushing a small update that has a huge bugfix in it that I wanna take a minute to break down for you. We know that there are a number of players who pushed deep into the endgame and found issues with Postie Gustaf delivering mail to you. Of primary concern, this softlocked player’s games because he’d eventually arrive with no mail and you couldn’t exit the mail screen. Of secondary concern, this means players could tank their shop into the ground by losing all their money and cards.
Both of these problems are fixed in today’s build. Posting Gustaf will be arriving and he’ll be arriving with all of the backlog packages you ordered. Fair warning, there will be a ton of mail (as you can see in the screenshot below) but it’s the most important bug we’ve been working on since we released less than a week ago.
As ever, thank you for your patience and please feel free to report any more issues to us on [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1298480/discussions/]the Steam forums[/url] or [url=https://discord.gg/rgUEch9r5X]the Kardboard Kings Discord![/url]