Welcome back, Park Managers, to our latest Species Field Guide! In this series of articles, we will be spotlighting and discussing some of the incredible dinosaurs and reptiles you will be caring for and bioengineering in [i]Jurassic World Evolution 2[/i]. With over 75 different species of prehistoric animals, you'll be meeting both new and familiar faces, and we are incredibly excited to share them with you! Last time, we introduced you to an old friend, Tyrannosaurus Rex, and we'll be sticking with the carnivores this week, with another familiar face: Velociraptor!  [previewyoutube=bLL17BqOvWQ;full][/previewyoutube] A late-Cretaceous carnivore, Velociraptor was one of the smaller dromaeosaurids, and had a lean, lightweight body that lent itself well to agility. They moved upright, on two legs, and are thought to have been able to reach speeds of up to 24mph - so it makes total sense, then, that their name literally translates to 'swift thief'! It's not their speed alone, however, that made Velociraptor so impressive; with curved, meat-slicing teeth with serrated razor edges, and big, grasping hands which had 3 sharp, 6-inch claws each, it's easy to see why Velociraptor has such a formidable reputation! Velociraptor is also thought to have been one of the more intelligent dinosaurs of the time, due to its large brain in proportion to its body size - definitely not a carnivore you'd want to get on the wrong side of! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40704806/7fdaa7139a867f53583a0f8cb3276f8a8ed1d2a4.jpg[/img] Velociraptors are incredibly sociable creatures, and tend to prefer spending their time in packs, so you'll need to make sure they have plenty of company in their enclosures; they'll eat from standard carnivore feeders if they're hungry, but much prefer being provided with live prey and engaging in pack hunting as part of the group! Just make sure to keep them happy and incorporate some forest terrain into their enclosures - a Velociraptor escape is the last thing you want on your hands!  We're incredibly excited to be able to share Velociraptor with you - we know you've been waiting to see them, and we think you'll really enjoy including them in your parks. Will you be bioengineering them for yours? Let us know in the comments. There are more dinosaurs for us to show you in the coming weeks and months. Be prepared to see both new and familiar faces as we highlight a small portion of the ancient animals you will be able to bioengineer in Jurassic World Evolution 2. Don't forget to follow us on [url=https://www.facebook.com/JurassicWorldEvolution/]Facebook[/url], [url=https://twitter.com/JW_Evolution]Twitter[/url] and [url=https://www.instagram.com/jurassicworldevolution/]Instagram[/url] for all things [i]Jurassic World Evolution 2[/i]! You can find out more information about pre-ordering [i]Jurassic World Evolution 2[/i] [url=https://www.jurassicworldevolution2.com/pre-order]here[/url].