Hello Park Managers! Update 1.4.4 is now available for all versions of Jurassic World Evolution 2. Please see the full list of changes and updates below: [h3]Base Game[/h3] [b]Dinosaurs[/b][list][*]Additional fix for dinosaurs and species being stuck after landscape painting and fence placement edits[/*][*]Fix for dinosaurs standing still for a few minutes trying to perform a dominance fight a long distance away[/*][*]Fix for dinosaurs navigating through a fence after failing to attack a vehicle[/*][*]Stop wrangled dinosaurs from causing issues to the game economy unless they actually hit a guest.[/*][/list][b]UI[/b][list][*]Power hubs now show running cost in their Info Panel[/*][*]Emergency shelters now show their coverage tooltip in the hover Tooltip[/*][*]Don't declare wrangled dinosaurs as threats when we detect that they can access guests[/*][*]Fixed an issue where the help screens would still adjust layout to fit in subtitles, even if subtitles are disabled [/*][*]Fixed an issue where the building upgrade button could have its label overlapped by the button prompt [/*][*]Fix for Biosyn Sandbox Mode build tab being visible when you don't have the DLC installed [/*][*]Fixed a softlock when double-tapping multiple buttons in the Staff Hiring screen [/*][*]Improvements to performance while a dinosaur is pinned with the landscape panel open[/*][*]Fix for an issue in which the options menu would appear misaligned and lose most functionality while scrolling by dragging the scrollbar[/*][*]Guided tour tracks now appear in the map view[/*][*]Allow players to back out of selecting dinosaur placement mode whilst using dinosaur transport multi-selection tool[/*][/list][b]Buildings and Vehicles[/b][list][*]Player controlled vehicle wheels should no longer clip into buildings[/*][*]Fixed large Dinosaurs blocking their own hatchery exit for 60 seconds [/*][*]Fixed an issue where drones would get stuck when attempting to exit an aviary hatchery[/*][*]Fix for game blocker where if player had 1 aviary and 1 PMF and were unable to place a flying reptile in either location[/*][*]Fixed guided tours leaving the building at a slow rate[/*][*]Fixed guests not sitting in the right place in lagoon audience stands[/*][*]Fixed vehicles shaking when driving [/*][*]Allow player driven guided tour vehicles to go through aviary tour gates[/*][*]Fixed vehicle wheels from clipping the ground[/*][/list][b]Sandbox Mode[/b][list][*]Fixed an issue where you could select cosmetic variants of a building that is locked by research in sandbox mode [/*][*]Added Small and Medium Modern fences to the Jurassic Park building set for Sandbox mode[/*][*]Fixed Park Tour track placement not appearing in Park Tour UI in Sandbox Mode[/*][/list][b]Jurassic World Database[/b][list][*]Added Invisible Tour Gate and DFW Tour Gate to the Sandbox tech tree to make the database entry unlockable[/*][/list][b]Campaign[/b][list][*]Fixed an issue where the Capture Team would stay at the Response Facility during the Allosaurus cutscene in Campaign 2 if assigned to a ranger post [/*][/list][b]Audio[/b][list][*]Fixed decoration objects having no rotation audio after being placed [/*][*]DFW Guided tour VO no longer refers to Jurassic World [/*][*]Fixed some reverb on some VO lines[/*][/list][b]Other Fixes[/b][list][*]Fixed an issue where the camera would be in the wrong location after loading a save file [/*][*]Adjusted English translations so they work with both singular and plural[/*][*]Updated translations for mismatched subtitles in all languages [/*][*]Various localisation fixes in all languages[/*][*]Various stability and crash fixes[/*][/list] [h3]Dominion Biosyn Expansion[/h3] [b]Dinosaurs[/b][list][*]Reduced ragdoll shaking on the Quetzalcoatlus[/*][/list][b]Campaign[/b][list][*]Fix hovering paths allowing you to delete charred ruins[/*][/list][b]Sandbox Mode[/b][list][*]Added Biosyn Valley specific biome tree set for Sandbox Mode[/*][*]Added decoration variants of the Rustler Defences for Sandbox mode[/*][*]Added Aviary perch points to the Biosyn Era set[/*][*]Fixed an issue where the decoration menu could be empty if filtering by 'Biosyn' in a different menu [/*][/list][b]UI[/b][list][*]Fixed fossils showing in amber mine extractions[/*][*]Updated Scorched Earth help screen[/*][*]Added a recharging icon over rebooting flashbang rustler defences [/*][*]Filled empty text box with the name of the cleared charred ruins when inspecting scientists in the control centre. [/*][*]Fixed missing UI image for Quetzalcoatlus fossils[/*][*]Fixed invisible gate being remembered as a fence selection [/*][/list][b]Jurassic World Database[/b][list][*]Dominion Biosyn Expansion new species are now automatically unlocked in the JWDB[/*][/list][b]Buildings and Vehicles[/b][list][*]Reduced instances of Rustler vehicles clipping through each other[/*][*]Removed flicker on the Biosyn MVU [/*][*]Fixed Invisible Gate not animating consistently[/*][/list][b]Jurassic World Dominion Chaos Theory[/b][list][*]Fixed an issue where loading an autosave will prevent Rustlers attacking your park, blocking progress.[/*][*]Added roundworm dart to the tech tree[/*][*]Removed redundant unlock requirement for Lagoon & Aviary at the end of the level[/*][*]Fixed Rustler vehicles being forced through a fence when rammed by Ranger teams[/*][*]Players will now be taken to the correct research node when selecting 'Go To Research' from the Rustler Defences menu[/*][/list][b]Audio[/b][list][*]Fixed placement audio on Rustler Defences[/*][/list]