Welcome back, Park Managers, to our latest Species Field Guide! In this series of articles, we will be spotlighting and discussing some of the incredible dinosaurs and reptiles you will be caring for and bioengineering in [i]Jurassic World Evolution 2[/i]. With over 75 different species of prehistoric animals you'll be meeting both new and familiar faces, and we are incredibly excited to share them with you! Last time, we introduced you to a new land dinosaur, [url=https://steamcommunity.com/games/1244460/announcements/detail/2978555415667807729]Qianzhousaurus[/url], but you won't be landbound to meet this fan favourite: it's time for you to meet Mosasaurus, the first of [i]Jurassic World Evolution 2[/i]'s incredible marine reptiles!  [previewyoutube=g9DJRY9iM2c;full][/previewyoutube] Mosasaurus, a late Cretaceous carnivore, was one of the largest marine reptiles of the time; although large, it would have been able to propel itself through water with relative ease, owing to its long tail and large vertical fin, which would have made moving through the water a much smoother process. Interestingly, Mosasaurus is not actually a dinosaur, but a distant relative of monitor lizards, like the Komodo dragon!  With distinctively long jaws full of sharp, pointed teeth - which were ideal for gripping prey - and double-hinged jaws that allowed it to swallow prey whole, Mosasaurus was a formidable apex predator - something you'll likely remember from the Mosasaur Feeding Show in the [i]Jurassic World[/i] movie!   [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40704806/ffe5cada22c9500d93bbc139e4cdd4e55e5c27c9.jpg[/img] Mosasaurus aren't generally very social and much prefer their own company, so you won't have to worry about making sure there's more than one of them per habitat - just keep in mind that they'll also need plenty of space to swim around in, so it's worth considering this when thinking about the design of your lagoons!  They were thought to have hunted as close to the surface of the water as possible, so they would essentially eat whatever they could sink their teeth into. Mosasaurs in your parks will be able to enjoy a piscivorous diet. They can be aggressive, though, so do keep that in mind when thinking about whether or not they will share a Lagoon! We are very excited to share the Mosasaurus Species Field Guide with the community - we know you've all been excited to see it! We think you'll enjoy incorporating these incredible marine reptiles into your parks just as much as your guests will enjoy seeing them. Will you be bioengineering them for yours? Let us know in the comments. There are even more dinosaurs and reptiles to reveal in the coming weeks and months, and we can't wait to see your reactions. Be prepared to see both new and familiar faces as we highlight a small portion of the ancient animals you will be able to bioengineer in Jurassic World Evolution 2. Don't forget to follow us on [url=https://www.facebook.com/JurassicWorldEvolution/]Facebook[/url], [url=https://twitter.com/JW_Evolution]Twitter[/url] and [url=https://www.instagram.com/jurassicworldevolution/]Instagram[/url] for all things [i]Jurassic World Evolution 2[/i]! Jurassic World Evolution 2 will be released on 9 November, and is available for pre-order [url=https://www.jurassicworldevolution2.com/pre-order]here[/url].