Welcome back Park Managers to a new entry in our Park Management Guide! In this series of articles and videos, we're taking a deeper look into the mechanics and features you will be using while managing your parks in [i]Jurassic World Evolution 2[/i]. Previously, we talked about [url=https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/park-management-guide-scientists.587046/]scientists[/url] and how they will help keep your parks running in tip top shape by helping out with different tasks, from dinosaur creation and acquisition, to research and logistics. Today we're taking a look at the Park Teams that make up the boots on the ground (and in the air)! [previewyoutube=txw7w7n_AMA;full](video)[/previewyoutube] Your Park Teams perform specific roles in your Parks, usually involving tasks that require monitoring and transporting dinosaurs and reptiles. Alongside the Scientists, there's also a team to help care for your dinosaurs in case of injury or sickness. They are made up of Ranger Teams, Capture Teams, and Mobile Veterinary Units, and we'll go into more details as we discuss the different teams. [b]Ranger Teams[/b] You'll need to build a Response Facility to assign tasks to your Ranger Teams. Similar to Jurassic World Evolution, you can take direct control over a Ranger Team vehicle, or you can assign tasks to them using the Management View. Your Rangers are in charge of monitoring your dinosaurs and reporting their vitals and stats back to you. They are also in charge of restocking dinosaur feeders across your parks, and repairing Enclosure fences and buildings when they are damaged.  Thanks to the new [i]Ranger Post[/i], your Ranger Teams can check on multiple dinosaurs at once. A Ranger Post can be placed anywhere in your parks, but it's common to have them inside an enclosure to cover as many dinosaurs as possible. Your Ranger Teams can be assigned to a specific Post, and will automatically visit it in order to check your dinosaurs' well-being.  When a Ranger visits a Ranger Post, they will scan all dinosaurs within range to perform a Status Check, and they will also visit all feeders within range, resupplying them as required.  Your Rangers will use special drones inside Lagoons and Aviaries to check on marine and flying reptiles. Drones are not constructed or controlled directly, but are the vessel through which your Rangers fulfill their tasks. When assigning a Ranger Team to a Lagoon or Aviary, they will head to a Hatchery attached to the Lagoon/Aviary, and control a drone remotely to ensure a task is finished.  [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40704806/283dcf40db996870aa862b068439999f7abc3e32.jpg[/img] A Ranger Team can be assigned to several Ranger Posts in sequence, and will periodically go out on these patrols to check on your dinosaurs. Assigning them a new task (say, repairing a fence) will interrupt their patrol, but they will return to it automatically after they've completed their new task. They will no longer tranquilise and medicate your dinosaurs, as those tasks have been reassigned to Capture Teams and Mobile Veterinary Units, respectively.  Depending on where you place your Ranger Posts, your your Ranger Teams might spend more time in enclosures and be more exposed to dinosaurs. It's important to remember that not all dinosaurs and reptiles will attack your Rangers, but some are more aggressive than others! Land dinosaurs may just menace your rangers and threaten them, whereas others might be more quick to attack. Whilst Ranger 4x4s are able to take damage from dinosaur attacks and become inoperable, there are also ways to protect your Rangers from harm. Finally, your Ranger Teams can be used to take pictures of your dinosaurs that you can then sell for a small additional profit. Good to know if you need an extra bit of cash! [b]Capture Teams[/b] The job of tranquilising and capturing any wild or runaway dinosaurs falls to your Capture Teams, formerly known as ACUs. They are the premium - and fastest - way to deal with dinosaurs who are running wild around your parks or elsewhere. A Capture Team can tranquilise any kind of escaped land dinosaur or flying reptile outside an Aviary. They are also controlled from the Response Facility, and can be assigned tasks in the same way as your Rangers. You'll also be able to take direct control of their helicopters, if you'd like! When assigning them to Lagoons or Aviaries, a Capture Team will also use drones. You will even see a Capture Team helicopter hovering above the Lagoon or Aviary as the drones carry out their tasks. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40704806/28f2079202a00c2ce77a6171c77e1fc0200d36a6.jpg[/img] In addition to transquilising dinosaurs for capture, your Capture Teams can also provide air support for your Rangers when they go out on patrol. Assigning a Capture Team to a Ranger Post will automatically send one out alongside a Ranger Team patrolling the area around said Ranger Post. They will quickly spring into action and put dinosaurs to sleep with a tranquiliser, keeping your Rangers safe while they work. Your Capture Teams also work to support your park's Mobile Veterinary Units. [b]Mobile Veterinary Units[/b] The Mobile Veterinary Units, or MVUs, operate out of the Paleo Medical Facility and help care for sick and injured dinosaurs. They perform medical scans to diagnose health issues, treat minor injuries and diseases in the field, and vaccinate dinosaurs against diseases you've researched. Much like the Capture Teams and Ranger 4X4s, the MVUs can be manually controlled directly, but if you prefer you can assign them tasks in the same way as the other teams. The MVUs can be damaged by angry dinosaurs, so it's worth keeping this in mind when sending them out into your park.  [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40704806/7afc397001163be7eb7658a10a87182e87065cf9.jpg[/img] When a dinosaur is sick or injured, you assign your MVUs to perform a medical scan and diagnose the injury or sickness. If it's a minor injury or illness you've researched, the dinosaurs can be healed on-site with medical darts. If you haven't researched the specific disease you will need to research it before a cure can be administered. Not all dinosaurs need to be tranquilised before your MVUs arrive, but it can be useful in some cases; when this occurs, your Capture Teams will need to head out alongside the veterinarians. Don't forget to assign your Capture Teams to support your vets! Major injuries like broken bones or battle injuries need to be treated at the Paleo-Medical Facility. Your MVUs aren't capable of transporting dinosaurs, so your Capture Teams need to be called in so they can be moved. Once they've been successfully treated, they can then be moved back to their enclosure. Now that you've learned more about Jurassic World Evolution 2's Park Teams, you should be better equipped to manage a park that runs smoothly and without too many incidents. Let us know your thoughts about Park Teams in the comments, and tell us which one is your favourite!  You can [url=https://www.jurassicworldevolution2.com/pre-order]pre-order the game now[/url] by heading to our website, or from your storefront of choice, and get three exclusive Vehicle Skins inspired by [i]The Lost World[/i] for use in Sandbox and Challenge Mode. You can also pick up the Deluxe Edition and get 5 additional dinosaurs and reptiles: Geosternbergia, Attenborosaurus, Pachyrhinosaurus, Huayangosaurus & Megalosaurus, 6 new signs for your Amenities Buildings, and 3 Dinosaur Protection Group Vehicle Skins for Sandbox and Challenge Mode. Don't forget to also follow us on [url=https://twitter.com/JW_Evolution]Twitter[/url], [url=https://facebook.com/jurassicworldevolution]Facebook[/url] and [url=https://www.instagram.com/jurassicworldevolution/]Instagram[/url], and join the discussions about the game on our [url=https://forums.frontier.co.uk/categories/jurassic-world-evolution/]forums[/url]!