Welcome to a new entry in our Park Management Guide! In this series of articles and videos, we're taking a deeper look into the mechanics and features you will be using while managing your parks in Jurassic World Evolution 2. Today we're taking a look at the main source of income for your parks: Guests. [previewyoutube=7FCQjtYLS2U;full][/previewyoutube] As you open the gates to your parks, guests will come pouring in to experience the wonders of your prehistoric world and see your dinosaurs and reptiles up close. In Jurassic World Evolution 2, you will need to cater to their interests and be aware of their likes and dislikes while designing and building your parks. Guests are broken down into specific interest groups, each with different preferences and needs in everything from dinosaur variety to attractions and amenities. They're all here to see dinosaurs and reptiles, but different guests are interested in different things, and will be drawn to specific areas in your parks. Your guest interest groups are split into four main categories: General, Adventure, Nature, and Luxury. In the Management screen you will be able to see how many guests you have of each type in your park, as well as a breakdown of what each group wants to see. General guests are interested in seeing a lot of dinosaurs, whereas thrill-seeking Adventure guests are more interested in dinosaur infamy and excitement. Luxury guests want to be pampered while visiting, and Nature guests are looking to see dinosaurs be comfortable in their habitats. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40704806/37bfac6dd0e06369ad8ccc7b4c55aa4cafd61dc9.jpg[/img] As we mentioned earlier, different guests will be drawn to different areas of your parks. Your Amenities Buildings have internal modules that can be changed and customised based on which guests frequent the area the most. Whether it's a Vegan Buffet restaurant for Nature guests, or a Spa for Luxury guests, the choice is yours. There's more information about internal modules in our Feature Focus on [url=https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/feature-focus-guest-building-and-dinosaur-customisation.584342/]Customisation[/url]. Considering where you place what park features is very important. You can check various heatmaps to see what each area needs, and don't forget that positioning your amenities is just a small part of running a successful park. Your guests are primarily there to see dinosaurs, so make sure they see them from their hotels and monorails, in addition to viewing galleries and Guided Tours. Don't forget that different types of Guests will prefer different ways to view your Park! Your guests' overall well-being, and their interests, will have an impact on your park rating, as well the overall appeal of your park. You'll be able to check your Park Rating in the Management screen. Remember: Happy guests mean repeat visits, and a successful park. Now that you have more insight into guest management, you should be better equipped to create a park that will win the hearts and minds of the public. Let us know your thoughts about guest management in the comments, and let us know what kind of park you'll be making from 9 November. You can [url=https://www.jurassicworldevolution2.com/pre-order]pre-order now[/url] by heading to our website, or from your storefront of choice, and get three exclusive Vehicle Skins for use in Sandbox and Challenge Mode. You can also pick up the Deluxe Edition and get 5 additional dinosaurs and reptiles: Geosternbergia, Attenborosaurus, Pachyrhinosaurus, Huayangosaurus & Megalosaurus, 6 new signs for your Amenities Buildings, and 3 Dinosaur Protection Group Vehicle Skins for Sandbox and Challenge Mode. Don't forget to also follow us on [url=https://twitter.com/JW_Evolution]Twitter[/url], [url=https://facebook.com/jurassicworldevolution]Facebook [/url]and [url=https://www.instagram.com/jurassicworldevolution/]Instagram[/url], and join the discussions about the game on our [url=https://forums.frontier.co.uk/categories/jurassic-world-evolution/]forums[/url]!