Welcome back Park Managers to a new entry in our Park Management Guide! In this series of articles and videos, we're taking a deeper look into the mechanics and features you will be using while managing your parks in [i]Jurassic World Evolution 2[/i]. Previously, we talked about the different [url=https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/park-management-guide-scientists.587046/]P[/url][url=https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/park-management-guide-park-teams.590624/]ark Teams[/url] and how they help out with park and dinosaur upkeep and management. Today we're taking a look at the three different kinds of dinosaur and reptile enclosures you'll be building to house and hopefully contain your prehistoric animals. [previewyoutube=G5XFfJqBqx0;full][/previewyoutube] [b]Land Dinosaur Enclosures[/b] Your land dinosaurs are kept inside fenced enclosures. Most of them are sociable and get along well with other species, but some will need to be kept to themselves, both for their own safety and the safety of others. Triceratops and Stegosaurus should be kept apart, for instance. There are many types of fences and walls in [i]Jurassic World Evolution 2[/i], from your basic steel fences to concrete and electrified fences. Their appearance will vary depending on the era or theming you choose for your parks, and difference fences are needed for different dinosaurs. Keeping your dinosaurs happy and comfortable is your primary objective, so you'll need to customise their enclosures using plants, food and water sources, and ground types. Unhappy dinosaurs will grow restless and try to break out. Large theropods like T. rex and Qianzhousaurus will usually try to headbutt fences or gates in order to break them, whereas Stegosaurus and other thyreophorans will likely use their tails. Smaller theropods like Dilophosaurus and Velociraptor will usually try to climb non-electrified fences in order to escape. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40704806/1b8ab126371a755fd8e3a9ece1f9a2b28127bdea.jpg[/img] Fences, gates, and dinosaurs have a specific security rating. If a dinosaur's security rating is higher than a fence's, it will be able to destroy the fence and then run rampant throughout your park. If a fence's security rating is higher, your dinosaurs will still try to break out, but won't be able to destroy the fence or gate, injuring themselves in the process. You'll then need to dispatch your MVUs to provide medical attention. A fence will never outright kill a dinosaur, but can cause them harm. Gates can also be attacked and broken, and broken gates won't close properly, making escape easy for any prehistoric land animal looking to get out. Electrified fences will act as an extra deterrent against attacks, but they also need additional power in order to deliver an electric shock. If they don't have power they will still act as a regular fence, but with a lower security rating than a fully powered fence. Velociraptor and Dilophosaurus won't climb electrified fences, but will instead attack the fences directly using their heads or bodies. If the fence loses power, they may try to climb it. [b]Aviaries[/b] Flying reptiles will be housed in Aviaries. These domed structures are modular and can be linked together, letting you build unique and dynamic enclosures. Hatcheries and Viewing Galleries are attached to the walls at predetermined points. You will need at least one Hatchery per Aviary enclosure, so your Ranger Teams can perform their Ranger Scans and report back to you about your flying reptiles. Multiple flying reptiles can live inside a single Aviary, but you'll need to make sure they have enough space for their territories. Like with land dinosaurs, they also have wants and needs that have to be met in order to make them comfortable. You can modify the Aviary interiors with ground types and plants and other greenery, and you'll need a Fish Feeder or two in order to keep them fed. Unhappy flying reptiles might try to escape by smashing through the domed ceiling. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40704806/e73182ad376d937484b944adcc01712cc31ad97c.jpg[/img] A new feature to Aviaries is that Guided Tours can now pass through them, provided that there are entry and exit gates attached to the sides. This will provide your guests with a more up close and personal view of your flying reptiles, and is sure to leave them awestruck. [b]Lagoons[/b] Lagoons are new modular aquatic habitats that will house your marine reptiles. Like with Aviaries, Lagoons are modular, and can be expanded at preset points. Hatcheries and Viewing Galleries are attached to the Lagoon walls at predetermined points, and your Ranger Teams will link up with a Hatchery to perform Ranger Scans of marine reptiles. You will need at least one Hatchery per Lagoon in order to know your marine reptiles' wants and needs. Your Lagoons can't be entered by Guided Tours, but Monorails can pass – or over – for increased dinosaur visibility. The Viewing Galleries can be lowered below the water, so your guests can see the marine reptiles up close in their natural element. Attach a Shark Feeder to any Lagoon housing a large marine reptile, like the Mosasaurus, to give your guests a spectacular sight around feeding time. Smaller marine reptiles are happy with fish, so don't forget to add a Fish Feeder so they have a source of food. Hungry marine reptiles won't be able to escape, but they will die of hunger if left without food for too long. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40704806/0e3486642b36631d1eed46e66235e64b2b169fa2.jpg[/img] A single Lagoon can house several marine reptiles, but depending on the species it may be a good idea to keep some of them separated. Larger marine reptiles might just try and eat the smaller ones. Now that you know more about the different enclosure types in [i]Jurassic World Evolution 2[/i] you're well equipped to manage a park that runs smoothly and hopefully without incident. These additional enclosures and animals will offer your parks new opportunities, and new challenges. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!  Don't forget: you can [url=https://www.jurassicworldevolution2.com/pre-order]pre-order [i]Jurassic World Evolution 2[/i] now[/url] by heading to our website, or from your storefront of choice, and get three exclusive Vehicle Skins inspired by [i]The Lost World[/i] for use in Sandbox and Challenge Mode. You can also pick up the Deluxe Edition and get 5 additional dinosaurs and reptiles: Geosternbergia, Attenborosaurus, Pachyrhinosaurus, Huayangosaurus & Megalosaurus, 6 new signs for your Amenities Buildings, and 3 Dinosaur Protection Group Vehicle Skins for Sandbox and Challenge Mode. Remember to also follow us on [url=https://twitter.com/JW_Evolution]Twitter[/url], [url=https://facebook.com/jurassicworldevolution]Facebook[/url] and [url=https://www.instagram.com/jurassicworldevolution/]Instagram[/url], and join the discussions about the game on our [url=https://forums.frontier.co.uk/categories/jurassic-world-evolution/]forums[/url]!