Hello Park Managers! It's almost time! [i]Jurassic World Evolution 2[/i] is only a week away from launch and we can't wait for everyone to sit down and play! Now that we're so close to launch we wanted to give you some information about pre-loading the game and when it will be available. We also spoke to several members of the dev team to ask what's they're most looking forward to ahead of next week's launch. Let's dive right in! [i]Jurassic World Evolution 2[/i] will launch on [u][b]9 November at 14:00 GMT[/b][/u] on all announced platforms, or at the following times in the time zones listed below: [list][*]15:00 CET[/*][*]09:00 ET[/*][*]06:00 PT[/*][*]01:00 AET (10 November)[/*][/list]You can pre-load [i]Jurassic World Evolution 2[/i] on Steam 23 hours before launch. There will also be a Day 1 patch available on launch. We hope you'll join us for our special launch day livestream, going live on [b]9 November at 13:30 GMT[/b]. Join the developers and the community at large to celebrate the release of [i]Jurassic World Evolution 2[/i]. It's going to be a ton of fun, and you may even get the chance to win some amazing [i]Jurassic World Evolution 2[/i] merchandise. You can find the stream on the [url=https://www.twitch.tv/frontierdevelopments]Frontier Developments Twitch channel[/url] and the [url=https://www.youtube.com/jurassicworldevolution]Jurassic World Evolution 2 YouTube channel[/url]. We can't wait to celebrate with all of you! With release day being so close, we thought it would be fun to have the community hear directly from the developers themselves how they're feeling about next week's launch. Here's what they had to say: "I am absolutely thrilled! This is my first new game as a Game Director and it’s so amazing that it’s finally out. It's such a special feeling seeing all the hard work that the team has done to finally get the game into player's hands. As Game Director, I’m the vision holder for the game and am involved with all creative direction and decisions we make for the content and features in the game and what player’s experience and see. The moments that stand out the most to me have been working on our narrative cinematics that set the scene for our Campaign mode and all the Chaos Theory levels. Finding a way to recap events from the Jurassic movie franchise in a way that was visually beautiful, entertaining and concise for players was amazing and we've brought scenes from the movies to life in a highly dynamic way." - [b]Rich Newbold, Game Director[/b] "It's delightful to think that players will soon be experiencing all of the teams' hard work and passion that has gone into [i]Jurassic World Evolution 2.[/i] During development I've gotten to see all the dinosaurs come to life bit by bit, and that's been really great! The new social interactions are so heart-warming and they really show off these magnificent animals in a new light. As for launch, I'm most excited to see everyone's reactions to the game. I'll be looking over all the different social and streaming platforms, looking for screenshots, videos and playthroughs to see what people think."[b] - [b]Adam Woods, Executive Producer[/b] [/b] "I’m always excited when a game is about to release! After years of hard work from lots of different people we’re putting something out for people to play and enjoy. Releasing a game is always an exciting time, but we’re all really proud of what we’ve built and we can’t wait to see what people say. As lead designer I’ve been helping to develop the gameplay experience of Jurassic World Evolution 2 with help from the design team and the other teams around us. The team has been absolutely brilliant throughout the entire process! It's also been a lot of fun working with the film talent and seeing them bring their movie-selves to life for our game. I can't wait for people to get their hands on Chaos Theory, and how each level links into the films will really excite people, like it has me!" - [b]Jim Stimpson, Lead Designer[/b] "I am very excited for the release of [i]Jurassic World Evolution 2[/i]! It's been so long coming that I cannot wait for it to be out. My main focus has been animating dinosaurs and marine reptiles, and I got to work on the Mosasaurus, to name one. It's been really fun to expand their range of movements and behaviours, and creating social interactions has been a delight for me because I get to animate dinosaurs being cute! We've managed to pack so much character and personality into them, so each dinosaur feels more alive than ever before. I can't wait to see how people react to our dinosaurs when they finally get to play." - [b]Amy Hook, Lead Animator[/b] "There's an incredible energy that builds up when a game you're working on is close to launch, and I've been feeling it for the past few weeks. As a fan of the films and the original game I'm incredibly excited for [i]Jurassic World Evolution 2[/i] to come out. I can't wait to play around with those gorgeous dinosaurs and reptiles. As community manager I've been reading all your posts and comments on the forums, Reddit, and social media, and it's been a delight seeing everyone's responses to our trailers, screenshots, and reveals. The most fun for me has been seeing everyone look over screenshots and trailers with a fine toothed comb, trying to pick out details and new dinosaurs, not to mention all the fan theories around everything! I can't wait for everyone to get to play and experience everything the game has to offer." - [b]Jens Erik Vaaler, Senior Community Manager[/b] "I'm super excited! The build up to launch has been such an exciting time and I’ve loved seeing the content from the community and hearing about what players are most looking forward to. I've had the pleasure of working on the game as producer, so I've looked after a few different areas of the game over its development, but a big focus for me has been park teams and guests. I’m really excited about the new MVU Team. A huge highlight was being a part of the VO recording sessions. Seeing the incredible Jeff Goldblum, Bryce Dallas Howard and BD Wong at work was really special, as was hearing Cabot Finch’s jokes come to life for the first time! I’m really looking forward to seeing players enjoy the varied biomes and the new environment tools. I love creating beautiful scenery in game and can’t wait to see players get creative with their enclosures in all the different locations. - [b]Lucy Hicks, Producer[/b] "There is so much anticipation of wanting to let the community finally play [i]Jurassic World Evolution 2[/i], a game we couldn’t be more proud of. As Product Manager, I get to see a bit of everything from development teams and commercial teams, and aligning it all for marketing. I also see through all of the community responses with posts and comments across our social channels, it couldn’t be more exciting. Being a huge Jurassic fan (like a lot of the team) it has been such a great journey for this! I have a lot of fun seeing the community look through everything we created for this campaign and now I can’t wait to see everyone start playing the game and what they create." - [b]Alex Thompson, Product Manager[/b] "I’m definitely looking forward to the launch! We’ve added a lot of great stuff to the game and I’m looking forward to seeing how people respond to getting all these new toys to play with. My main focus as Senior Designer has been dinosaur behaviour and management, so I've been the person working on the new territory system, as well as improvements to hunting - specifically things like pack hunting, the way carnivores pick their targets, and dynamic prey/predator chases. I've also been working on the Park Teams side of things. The most enjoyable for me has been the territory and paleobotany system. They're complex features on a technical level, but I got to work with some highly skilled gameplay coders to make it a reality. Together, the territory and paleobotany systems give players more flexibility and creativity when making enclosures, so I'm looking forward to seeing screenshots of the park and enclosure designs players come up with." - [b]James Moulang, Senior Designer[/b] "It's really exciting to be this close to launch! It's the culmination of a lot of work over a long period of time, so I'm looking forward to everyone getting to play. Working as lead character artist my role has been to help my team build the dinosaur models, so there's been a lot of reference models and dinosaur skeletons in my life. It's been a fun and quite interesting process creating new dinosaurs from paleontological evidence and making them accurate to the [i]Jurassic World[/i] universe. Since dinosaur models have been my main focus, I'm of course looking forward to seeing what players think of the new dinosaur designs! I think they all look amazing and hope the players do too." - [b]Lee Dalton, Lead Artist[/b] "Coming up to the release of a game is always extremely exciting. We get to see people enjoy our game after years of development. The look and feel of the dinosaurs and reptiles have been my main focus during development, everything from the creation of the art assets and models, all the way up to their behaviours and beyond. Seeing the dinosaurs go from concept to chewing on another creature’s face is highly satisfying! As a result of having once been a community manager in a previous job, I put a lot of value on player feedback, so I'll be spending a lot of time watching various spaces to see everyone's thoughts and comments. It'll be fun to see how everyone enjoys the game!" - [b]Orcun Adsoy, Producer[/b] [i]Jurassic World Evolution 2[/i] will launch on 9 November. Make sure you pre-order if you'd like to get your hands on a set of vehicle skins inspired by [i]The Lost World: Jurassic Park[/i] as an exclusive pre-order bonus! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1244460/Jurassic_World_Evolution_2/