"Isekai Frontier" is an open-world survival and construction game that combines survival, action-adventure, and building elements within a Japanese-style otherworldly backdrop. In this journey, you will take on the role of exiled Princess Lizelotte, wandering through a border region spanning over 100km^2. Explore every corner of the map freely, discover new treasure chests and creatures from other realms, and collect various resources to survive.
The Otherworld of Vibrant Life
Venture into the border region of the otherworld, which boasts diverse environments like forests, mountains, deserts, grasslands, large labyrinths, and the demon realm, all within an expanse of over 100km^2. Experience a blend of survival, action, and construction as you search for food, water, and shelters. Explore the treacherous environment while remaining vigilant, as various creatures and monsters roam freely. Craft weapons and equipment to enhance your abilities, and build your character by learning skills from different schools to better combat enemies.
Build Your Shelter
Construct your own cabin or simply set up a bed. Hunt for ingredients, cook monster meat to satisfy your hunger, and then rest.
Slimes, Bears, and Ancient Tree Spirits
This world is filled with a myriad of monsters, animals, and fantastical creatures, presenting a vibrant and competitive ecosystem that is truly breathtaking.